Table of Contents:
  • Federal research and innovation policies and Canadian universities: a framework for analysis / G. Bruce Doern, Christopher Stoney
  • Pushing federalism to the limit: post-secondary education policy in the millennium / Allan Tupper
  • Higher education funding and policy trade-offs: the AUCC and federal research in the Chreþtien-Martin era / Clara Morgan
  • The granting councils and the research granting process: core values in federal government-university interactions / G. Bruce Doern
  • The Canada Foundation for Innovation as patron and regulator / Deþbora Lopreite, Joan Murphy
  • Universities, commercialization, and the entrepreneurial process: barriers to innovation / Paul J. Madgett, Christopher Stoney
  • Intellectual property, technology offices, and political capital: Canadian universities in the innovation era / Malcolm G. Bird
  • Federal government-university collaboration in the conduct of research: trust, time, and outcomes / Russell Lapointe
  • The co-location of public science: government laboratories on university campuses / Jeffrey S. Kinder
  • Universities and the regulation of research ethics / Karine Levasseur
  • Universities and knowledge transfer: powering local economic and cluster development / David A. Wolfe
  • Conclusions: Changing symbiotic research relationships: conflict and compromise / G. Bruce Doern, Christopher Stoney.