Table des matières:
  • The ethnology of local irrigation / Jonathan B. Mabry
  • La gente es muy perra: conflict and cooperation over irrigation water in Cucurpe, Sonora, Mexico / Thomas E. Sheridan
  • Dhasheeg agriculture in Jubba valley, Somalia / Catherine Besteman
  • The dry and the drier: cooperation and conflict in Moroccan irrigation / John R. Welch
  • The political ecology of irrigation in an Andean peasant community / Paul H. Gelles
  • Rapid rural appraisal of arid land irrigation: a Moroccan example / John R. Welch, Jonathan B. Mabry, Hsain Ilahiane
  • Simulation modeling of Balinese irrigation / J. Stephen Lansing
  • Institutional innovation in small-scale irrigation networks: a Cape Verdean case / Mark W. Langworthy, Timothy J. Finan
  • Qanats and rural societies: sustainable agriculture and irrigation cultures in contemporary Iran / Michael E. Bonine.
  • The utility of tradition in Sri Lankan bureaucratic irrigation: the case of the Kirindi Oya project / Pamela C. Stanbury
  • The relevance of indigenous irrigation: a comparative analysis of sustainability / Jonathan B. Mabry, David A. Cleveland.