Table des matières:
  • A library by any other name : change, adaptation, transformation / Deborah Jakubs
  • Que sabemos del futuro del libro? : el SALALM, los libreros y el libro que está por venir / Alvaro Risso
  • Don't try to change them : how SALALM's history provides insight into the future of Latin American studies library development / Mark L. Grover
  • The truth that no one wants to know : preserving the record of unprecedented violence in Ciudad Juárez, 2008-present / Molly Molloy
  • Reading Leones in New Haven : cataloging backlogged materials in other Iberian languages / Ellen Jaramillo
  • From trash to treasure : incorporating the voices of the marginalized into the collection of Indiana University libraries / C. Denise Stuempfle
  • Teaching ancient Mesoamerica : a collaborative faculty/librarian experiment in embedment / David C. Murray
  • Coming of age through digitization : the Oral History Programme at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago / Kathleen Helenese-Paul
  • Archive it old school : solo collecting, networking, and eBay / Claire-Lise Benaud
  • The Cuban collections of the Library of Congress : an overview / Georgette M. Dorn
  • Contenidos latinoamericanos en revistas españolas : dificultades para determinar la colección de publicaciones de estudios latinoamericanos / Luis Rodríguez Yunta
  • La contribución del CLADES de la CEPAL al desarrollo de los sistemas de información en America Latina / Micaela Chávez Villa, Víctor J. Cid Carmona
  • Políticas de adquisición bibliográfica en la República de Chile / Sergio Rodríguez Quezada.