
Milk-based beverages /

Milk-Based Beverages, Volume 9 in The Science of Beverages series, presents current status, developments, and technologies for researchers and developers to meet consumer demand and understand consumer trends toward healthy drinks. This resource takes a multidisciplinary approach to address issues i...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai (Editor ), Holban, Alina Maria (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Duxford, United Kingdom : Woodhead Publishing, [2019]
Edición:First edition.
Colección:Science of beverages ; v. 9.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Engineering of milk-based beverages : current status, developments, and consumer trends / Onur Guneser, Muge Isleten Hosoglu, Buket Aydeniz Guneser and Yonca Karagul Yuceer
  • 2. Engineering tools in milk-based beverages / Yogesh Khetra and Latha Sabikhi
  • 3. Dairy-based functional beverages / Deepak Mudgil and Sheweta Barak
  • 4. New trends and perspectives in functional dairy-based beverages / Celia Rodr�iguez-P�erez, Sandra Pimentel-Moral and Javier Ochando-Pulido
  • 5. Recent trends and developments in milk-based beverages / Padmavathi Tallapragada and Bhargavi Rayavarapu
  • 6. Producion of functional milk-based beverages / Mar�ia Cristina Perotti, Carina Viviana Bergamini, Claudia In�es V�enica, Mar�ia Ayel�en V�elez, Irma Ver�onica Wolf and Erica Hynes
  • 7. Traditional beverages in different countries : milk-based beverages / Ali Mohamadi Sani, Mohammad Rahbar and Mahya Sheikhzadeh
  • 8. Kefir beverage and its effects on health / Nalan Hakime No�gay
  • 9. The supply chains of cow grass-fed milk / Giampiero Lombardi, Giovanni Peira and Damiano Cortese
  • 10. Technology of dairy-based beverages / Ceren Akal, Nazli Turkmen and Barbaros �Ozer
  • 11. Rheological properties of milk-based beverages / Heartwin A. Pushpadass, F. Magdaline Eljeeva Emerald, B.V. Balasubramanyam and Saurabh S. Patel
  • 12. Nonthermal processing of dairy beverages / Preeti Birwal, Gajanan P. Deshmukh and Menon Rekha Ravindra
  • 13. Rheological characterization and pipeline transport needs of two fluid dairy products (flavored milk and yogurt) / Jorge Fernando V�elez-Ruiz
  • 14. Dairy and nondairy-based beverages as a vehicle for probiotics, prebiotics, and symbiotics : alternatives to health versus disease binomial approach through food / W. Tesfaye, J.A. Suarez-Lepe, I. Loira, F. Palomero and A. Morata
  • 15. The effect of dairy probiotic beverages on oral health / Marcela Bara�una Magno, Patricia Nadelman, Thayse Caroline de Abreu Brandi, Matheus Melo Pithon, Andr�ea Fonseca-Gon�calves, Adriano Gomes da Cruz and Lucianne Cople Maia.