
Contributions to correlational analysis /

Contributions to Correlational Analysis.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Wherry, Robert J.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Orlando : Academic Press, 1984.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Contributions to Correlational Analysis; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1. Introduction; Historical Overview; Mathematical Background; What Correlation Is. What the Book Is About; Chapter 2. Measures of Relationship between Two Variables; Pearson r; What to Do When Scores Are Not Interval: Special Equations; The Missing Special Equations; Significance Tests for r, rRI, and rDI; Significance Tests for rRR, rDR, and rDD; Significance Tests for rMI and rMD; Significance Test for rMR; Some Other Alternatives: Variable Transformation; Tables in Appendix A.
  • Chapter 3. Composite and Part CorrelationWeighted Standard Scores; Weighted Raw Scores; Correlation between Two Composites; Part Variables; Semipartial Correlation Coefficients; Higher-Order Semipartial Correlation Coefficients; Relation of Semipartials to Multiple Correlation; Partial Correlation Coefficients; Higher-Order Partial Correlation Coefficients; Tests of Significance; Chapter 4. Inferred Correlations and Reliability Measures; The Biserial Correlation Coefficient (rbis); The Tetrachoric Correlation Coefficient (rtet); Correction for Curtailment of Range; Correction for Overlap.
  • Spearman-Brown Prophecy EquationsCorrection for Attenuation: Upper Limits of Validity; Spearman-Brown Reliability Equation; The Kuder-Richardson Reliability Equations; Assumption of a Single Factor; Assumption of Equal Item Intercorrelations; Assumption of Equal Item Variance; Assumption of Equal Item Difficulties; Reliability of Ranks Assigned by Judges; Chapter 5. Multiple and Composite Correlation; Solving the Simultaneous Equations; The Square-Root, Augmented Matrix Approach; Obtaining Standard Deviations of the Weights; The Doolittle Approach.
  • Testing R for Significance and Predicting Its ShrinkageObtaining the Gross Score Prediction Equation; Cross-Validation and Composite r; The Kelley-Salisbury Iteration Method; Extension of Multiple Regression to Nonlinear Terms; Multiple Regression as a Substitute for Curve Fitting; Multiple Regression as a Substitute for Analysis of Variance; Multiple Regression as a Substitute for Trend Analysis; Chapter 6. Test Selection Techniques; Wherry Test-Selection Method; Solution of a Problem: The Added Tables; The Problem of Suppressor Variables; The Wherry-Gaylord (1946) Integral Weighting System.
  • The Wherry-Hutchins Multiple Battery MethodComputer Programs for Test Selection; Moderated Coding Trees; Chapter 7. Synthetic Validity: The J-Coefficient; A Fictitious Example; Chapter 8. Test Analysis: Item Selection and Weighting; Improving the Reliability of a Test; Item Selection and Weighting with an External Criterion; The Horst Item-Selection Technique; The Flanagan Item-Weighting Technique; Computer Program TESREL; Chapter 9. Factor Analysis: Early Models and Methods; Correlation between Two Variables; Correlation of a Variable with Itself; Finding the Factor Loadings.