Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Monkeys as Perceivers; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; Contents of Previous Volumes; ChapterI. Introduction; A. General Requirements for a Description of Nonverbal Perception; B. The Population; C. General Procedures; ChapterII. Attention and Observing; A. Naturalistic Observations; B. Inferences About Attention; C. Summary; ChapterIII. Space Perception; A. Perception of Height; B. Perception of the Vertical; C. Perceptual Constancy; D. Complex Conflicting Cues of Space; E. Summary of Space Perception; ChapterIV. Spatial Discontiguity.
  • Interpretation of Spatial DiscontiguityChapterV. Barriers and Detours; A. Learning and Perception of Detour Problems; B. Solution of Patterned-String Tests as Detours; C. Alternative Ways to Measure Detour Performance; D. Interpretations of Barriers and Detours; ChapterVI. Form Perception; A. Definition of Form; B. Methodological Problems in Specifying Form; C. Uniqueness of Form; D. Forms in Context-Visual Illusions; E. Summary of Form Perception; ChapterVII. Memory for Form; A. Short-Term Memory for Position; B. Confusion Errors in Short-Term Memory; C. Stimulus Duration and Repetition.
  • D. Visual MaskingE. Long-Term Memory for Form; F. Summary and Discussion of Memory for Form; ChapterVIII. Color Perception; A. Lightness; B. Saturation; C. Summary; ChapterIX. Stimulus Combination; Summary; ChapterX. Some Comments on Perception in Monkeys; A. Attending; B. Storing; C. Integration; D. Epilogue; Appendix A: Animals Used in Experiments Described; Appendix B: Description of Experiments; References; Author Index; Subject Index.