
Generalized functions. Volume 5, Integral geometry and representation theory /

Integral Geometry and Representation Theory.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores principales: Gel�fand, I. M. (Izrail� Moiseevich) (Autor), Graev, M. I. (Mark Iosifovich) (Autor), Vilenkin, N. �I�A. (Naum �I�Akovlevich) (Autor)
Otros Autores: Saletan, Eugene J. (Eugene Jerome), 1924- (Traductor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Academic Press, 1966.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Integral Geometry and Representation Theory; Copyright Page; Translator's Note; Foreword; Table of Contents; CHAPTER I. RADON TRANSFORM OF TEST FUNCTIONS AND GENERALIZED FUNCTIONSON A REAL AFFINE SPACE; 1. The Radon Transform on a Real Affine Space; 2. The Radon Transform of Generalized Functions; 3. Radon Transforms of Some Particular Generalized Functions; 4. Summary of Radon Transform Formulas; CHAPTER II. INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS IN THECOMPLEX DOMAIN; 1. Line Complexes in a Space of Three Complex Dimensionsand Related Integral Transforms
  • 2. Integral Geometry on a Quadratic Surface in a Space of Four Complex Dimensions3. The Radon Transform in the Complex Domain; CHAPTER III. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE GROUP OF COMPLEX UNIMODULAR MATRICESIN TWO DIMENSIONS; 1. The Group of Complex Unimodular Matricesin Two Dimensions and Some of Its Realizations; 2. Representations of the Lorentz GroupActing on Homogeneous Functions of Two Complex Variables; 3. Summary of Basic Results concerning Representations on Dx; 4. Invariant Bilinear Functionals; 5. Equivalence of Representations of G; 6. Unitary Representations of G
  • CHAPTER IV. HARMONIC ANALYSIS ON THE GROUP OF COMPLEX UNIMODULAR MATRICESIN TWO DIMENSIONS1. Definition of the Fourier Transform on a Group. Statement of the Problems and Summary of the Results; 2, Properties of the Fourier Transform on G; 3. Inverse Fourier Transform and Plancherel's Theorem for G; 4. Differential Operators on G; 5. The Paley-Wiener Theorem for the Fourier Transform on G; CHAPTER V. INTEGRAL GEOMETRYIN A SPACE OF CONSTANT CURVATURE; 1. Spaces of ConstantCurvature; 2. Integral Transform Associated with Horospheresin a Lobachevskian Space
  • 3. Integral Transform Associated with Horospheresin an Imaginary Lobachevskian SpaceCHAPTER VI. HARMONIC ANALYSIS ON SPACES HOMOGENEOUS WITH RESPECT TO THELORENTZ GROUP; 1. Homogeneous Spaces and the Associated Representationsof the Lorentz Group; 2. Representations of the Lorentz Group Associated with the Complex Affine Plane and with the Cone, and Their Irreducible Components; 3. Decomposition of the Representation of the Lorentz GroupAssociated with Lobachevskian Space; 4. Decomposition of the Representation of the Lorentz GroupAssociated with Imaginary Lobachevskian Space
  • 5. Integral Geometry and Harmonic Analysis on the Point Pairs on the Complex Projective LineCHAPTER VII. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE GROUP OF REAL UNIMODULAR MATRICESIN TWO DIMENSIONS; 1. Representations of the Real Unimodular Matrices in Two Dimensions Acting on Homogeneous Functionsof Two Real Variables; 2. Summary of the Basic Results concerningRepresentations on Dx; 3. Invariant Bilinear Functionals; 4. Equivalence of Two Representations; 5. Unitary Representations of G; NOTES AND REFERENCESTO THE LITERATURE; BIBLIOGRAPHY; Index