Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover ; Community Associations and Centres a Comparative Study; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Notes and Abbreviations; Chapter 1. Introduction; 1. What is a Community Association?; 2. Community Associations and Community Work; 3. The Aims of the Study; 4. Shaping the Project; 5. Sources of Information for the Study; 6. A Note on the Presentation of Results; Chapter 2. Community Associations in Scotland and Edinburgh; The Statutory Obligations of Local Authorities; The Policy of Edinburgh Education Department towards Community Groups.
  • The Scheme of RecognitionThe Appointment of Field Officers; Unfulfilled Expectations; The Rebirth of Interest; The Creation of Larger Associations; Community Associations and Centres in Edinburgh in 1970; Chapter 3. The Evolution of Community Associations in Sighthill, Leith, Pentland and Pilton; 1. Sighthill; 2. Leith; 3. Pentland; 4. Pilton; Chapter 4. The Role of the Local Authority; Conditions of Recognition; Education and Culture; The Importance of Social Activities; Further Conditions of Recognition.
  • The Effects of a Close Relationship between Community Associations and the Education DepartmentThe Need for More Resources; Respect for the Independence of Other Groups; Education Department Policy towards Wardens; The Influence of the Field Officers; Conclusions; Chapter 5. Membership and Attendance; Patterns of Membership; Who are the Members?; The Degree of Commitment Expected of Members; The Identity of Special Interest or Sub Groups; Factors influencing Membership; Pressures towards Homogeneity; Sighthill; Leith; Pentland; Pilton; Conclusions; Chapter 6. Financial Arrangements.
  • Membership FeesFinancial Policy of the Corporation; The Financing of Sections within the Association; Chapter 7. The Leadership Factor; The Lack of Initiators and Organisers; Pressures towards Introversion and Homogeneity; Primary and Secondary Community Associations; The Need for Skilled Voluntary Help; Internal Conflict; Types of Leaders; The Time Factor; The Voluntary Principle; Other Means of Encouraging Voluntary Leaders; Dilemmas of Leadership; Requirements and Character�istics of Community Association Leaders; Leadership Renewal; Leith; Pentland; Pilton; Conclusions.
  • Chapter 8. Problems of Organisational StructureThe Growth of Bureaucracy; Implications for Community Associations; The Domination of One Subgroup; Sighthill; Leith; Pentland; Pilton; Special Interest Sections; Conclusion; Chapter 9. Analysis of Purposes and Activities; 1. Factors Determining Aims and Activities; 2. The Pressure Group Role; 3. Meeting Social Needs; 4. Educational and Educative Functions; 5. Cultural Activities; 6. Provision of Opportunities for Leisure-time Activities; 7. Community Service; 8. Co-ordination and Relations with Other Organisations.