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Table des matières:
  • pt. I. Introduction: 1632-1905
  • Einstein's contribution
  • Elementary consequences of the Lorentz transformation
  • Applications in quantum theory
  • pt. II. The relative motion of the earth and the luminiferous either / by Albert A. Michelson
  • On the kinematic and mechanical modes of representation of the activity of the aether from Aether and Matter / by J. Larmor
  • Electromagnetic phenomena in a system moving with any velocity less than that of light / by H.A. Lorentz
  • The dynamics of the electron / by H. Poincar�e
  • On the electrodynamics of moving bodies / by A. Einstein
  • On the electric effect of rotating a magnetic insulator in a magnetic field / by Marjorie Wilson and H.A. Wilson
  • Fresnel's coefficient for light of different colours / by Professor P. Zeeman
  • The quantum theory of the electron / by P.A.M. Dirac
  • Energies of cosmic-ray particles / by Carl D. Anderson
  • On unitary Representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group / by E. Wigner.