
Quantum mechanics : non-relativistic theory /

This edition has been completely revised to include some 20% of new material. Important recent developments such as the theory of Regge poles are now included. Many problems with solutions have been added to those already contained in the book.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores principales: Landau, L. D. (Lev Davidovich), 1908-1968, Lifshi�t�s, E. M. (Evgeni�i Mikha�ilovich) (Autor)
Otros Autores: Sykes, J. B. (John Bradbury) (Traductor), Bell, J. S. (John Stewart), 1928-1990
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam : Butterworth Heinemann, 1977.
Edición:3d ed., rev. and enl.
Colección:Landau, L. D. (Lev Davidovich), 1908-1968. Teoreticheska�i�a fizika (Izd. 3-e). v. 3.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; From the Preface to the first English edition; Preface to the second English edition; Preface to the third Russian edition; Editor's Preface to the fourth Russian edition; Notation; CHAPTER I. THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS; 1. The uncertainty principle; 2. The principle of superposition; 3. Operators; 4. Addition and multiplication of operators; 5. The continuous spectrum; 6. The passage to the limiting case of classical mechanics; 7. The wave function and measurements.
  • CHAPTER II. ENERGY AND MOMENTUM8. The Hamiltonian operator; 9. The differentiation of operators with respect to time; 10. Stationary states; 11. Matrices; 12. Transformation of matrices; 13. The Heisenberg representation of operators; 14. The density matrix; 15. Momentum; 16. Uncertainty relations; CHAPTER III. SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION; 17. Schrodinger's equation; 18. The fundamental properties of Schr�odinger's equation; 19. The current density; 20. The variational principle; 21. General properties of motion in one dimension; 22. The potential well; 23. The linear oscillator.
  • 24. Motion in a homogeneous field25. The transmission coefficient; CHAPTER IV. ANGULAR MOMENTUM; 26. Angular momentum; 27. Eigenvalues of the angular momentum; 28. Eigenfunctions of the angular momentum; 29. Matrix elements of vectors; 30. Parity of a state; 31. Addition of angular momenta; CHAPTER V. MOTION IN A CENTRALLY SYMMETRIC FIELD; 32. Motion in a centrally symmetric field; 33. Spherical waves; 34. Resolution of a plane wave; 35. Fall of a particle to the centre; 36. Motion in a Coulomb field (spherical polar coordinates).
  • 37. Motion in a Coulomb field (parabolic coordinates)CHAPTER VI. PERTURBATION THEORY; 38. Perturbations independent of time; 39. The secular equation; 40. Perturbations depending on time; 41. Transitions under a perturbation acting for a finite time; 42. Transitions under the action of a periodic perturbation; 43. Transitions in the continuous spectrum; 44. The uncertainty relation for energy; 45. Potential energy as a perturbation; CHAPTER VII. THE QUASI-CLASSICAL CASE; 46. The wave function in the quasi-classical case; 47. Boundary conditions in the quasi-classical case.
  • 48. Bohr and Sommerfeld's quantization rule49. Quasi-classical motion in a centrally symmetric field; 50. Penetration through a potential barrier; 51. Calculation of the quasi-classical matrix elements; 52. The transition probability in the quasi-classical case; 53. Transitions under the action of adiabatic perturbations; CHAPTER VIII. SPIN; 54. Spin; 55. The spin operator; 56. Spinors; 57. The wave functions of particles with arbitrary spin; 58. The operator of finite rotations; 59. Partial polarization of particles; 60. Time reversal and Kramers' theorem.