Table des matières:
  • Front Cover; Agricultural Waste Management: Problems, Processes, and Approaches; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; PART I: THE PROBLEM; Chapter 1. Current Constraints; Introduction; Legal Constraints; Social Constraints; References; Chapter 2. Changing Practices in Agriculture; Introduction; Agricultural Productivity; Labor; Livestock and Crop Production; Livestock Processing; Fruit and Vegetable Production; Seafood Production; Fertilizer Production; Pesticides; Livestock, Fruit, and Vegetable Income; Agriculture and the National Economy; References; Chapter 3. Environmental Impact.
  • IntroductionWater Quality; Bacteria; Air Quality; Other Effects; References; Chapter 4. Waste Characteristics; Introduction; Food Processing; Livestock Production; Dust and Gases; Other Animals and Agricultural Products; References; PART II: FUNDAMENTALS AND PROCESSES; Chapter 5. Biological Processes; Introduction; Biochemical Reactions; Basic Biological Processes; Energy Relationships; Microorganisms; Biochemical Transformations; Nutrient Needs; Oxygen Demand Measurements; Temperature; Kinetics; Notation; References; Chapter 6. Ponds and Lagoons; Introduction; Oxidation Ponds; Aerobic Ponds.
  • Anaerobic LagoonsAerated Lagoons; References; Chapter 7. Aerobic Treatment; Introduction; Aeration Systems; Activated Sludge Processes; Aerobic Digestion; The Oxidation Ditch; Rotating Biological Contactor; Trickling Filters; References; Chapter 8. Anaerobic Treatment; General; Fundamentals; Basic Anaerobic Processes; Application to Agricultural Wastes; References; Chapter 9. Utilization of Agricultural Wastes; General; Composting; By-Product Development; Drying and Dehydration; Methane Production; Water Reclamation; Summary; References; Chapter 10. Land Disposal of Wastes; Introduction.
  • Transformations in the SoilFertilizer Applications; Manure Disposal; Liquid Wastes; Application to Agricultural Wastes; Sewage and Sewage Sludges; References; Chapter 11. Nitrogen Control; Introduction; Nitrification; Denitrification; Algal Systems; Ammonia Stripping; References; Chapter 12. Physical and Chemical Treatment; Introduction; Disinfection; Chemical Precipitation; Sedimentation; Flotation; Incineration; References; PART III: MANAGEMENT APPROACHES; Chapter 13. Management; Introduction; Governmental Action; Decision Making; Joint Industrial-Municipal Cooperation; Animal Wastes.
  • Food Processing WastesCropping Patterns and Soil Management; Education and Research; Summary; References; Appendix: Characteristics of Agricultural Wastes; Author Index; Subject Index.