
Gas fluidization /

This book is a much-needed fluidization handbook for practising engineers. There are few plants which do not have a fluid bed process operating somewhere on the site, yet engineers rarely have any formal training in the subject. College courses often emphasize academic issues rather than industrial...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Pell, Melvyn
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier, 1990.
Colección:Handbook of powder technology ; v. 8.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Gas Fluidization; Copyright Page; Dedication; Acknowledgements; Preface; Table of Contents; Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION TO GAS FLUIDIZATION; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Regimes of Fluidization; 1.3 Effects of Particle Size and Density; 1.4 Effects of Gas Density and Viscosity; 1.5 References; Chapter 2. FIRST CALCULATIONS; 2.1 Average Particle Size; 2.2 Experimental Evaluation vs. Calculation; 2.3 Minimum Fluidization Velocity; 2.4 Minimum Bubbling Velocity; 2.5 Terminal Velocity; 2.6 Bed Expansion; 2.7 A Second Look at the Minimum Bubbling Condition; 2.8 Bed Pressure Drop; 2.9 References
  • Chapter 3. GAS DISTRIBUTOR DESIGN3.1 Functions of the Grid; 3.2 Grid Pressure Drop; 3.3 Hole Size and Number; 3.4 Jet Length; 3.5 Particle Attrition; 3.6 Grid Variations; 3.7 Grid Seals; 3.8 Plenum Design; 3.9 References; Chapter 4. BUBBLE GROWTH AND STABILITY; 4.1 Overview; 4.2 Bubble Growth; 4.3 Slugging; 4.4 Maximum Stable Bubble Size; 4.5 Effect of Bubble Size on Bed Expansion; 4.6 References; Chapter 5. MIXING AND SEGREGATION; 5.1 Solids Mixing; 5.2 Mechanism of Vertical Mixing; 5.3 Radial Mixing; 5.4 Diffusion Model for Solids and Gas Backmixing; 5.5 Segregation; 5.6 References
  • Chapter 6. HEAT TRANSFER6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Particle to Gas Heat Transfer; 6.3 Particle to Wall and Tube Heat Transfer; 6.4 Design Considerations for Tube Banks; 6.5 Radiation; 6.6 Heat Transfer by Entrained Solids; 6.7 References; Chapter 7. DRYING AND SOLVENT STRIPPING; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 The Drying Curve; 7.3 Design Considerations; 7.4 Designing for Residence Time Effects; 7.5 Vibrated Bed Drying; 7.6 Vendor Assistance; 7.7 References; Chapter 8. ENTRAINMENT; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Particle Ejection from the Bed; 8.3 Transport Disengaging Height, TDH
  • 8.4 Correlations for Entrainment Above TDH8.5 Entrainment Below TDH; 8.6 References; Chapter 9. CHEMICAL REACTION MODELING; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Historical Background and Evolution of the Model; 9.3 Description of the Model; 9.4 Effect of Fines; 9.5 Grid Region Effects; 9.6 Freeboard Region; 9.7 Baffles; 9.8 References; Chapter 10. SCALE UP AND SCALE DOWN; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 The Scaleup Sequence; 10.3 Large Scale Effects; 10.4 References; Chapter 11. DEFLUIDIZATION AND AGGLOMERATION; 11.1 Introduction; 11.2 Defluidization from Thermal Sintering; 11.3 Intentional Agglomeration
  • 11.4 ReferencesChapter 12. ATTRITION IN FLUIDIZED BEDS; 12.1 Attrition Fundamentals; 12.2 Time Effects on Attrition; 12.3 Attrition Tests; 12.4 Design Procedures; 12.5 Designing to Minimize Attrition; 12.6 References; Chapter 13. PHYSICAL FORCES; 13.1 Effect on Particles; 13.2 Effect on Internals; 13.3 Effect on the Vessel and Associated Equipment; 13.4 References; App A. UNITS AND SYMBOLS; A-1 SI Base Units and Prefixes; A-2 Derived SI Units with Special Names; A-3 Conversions from Non-SI Units; A-4 Universal Constants; A-5 Roman Font; A-6 Greek Font; A-7 Subscripts; INDEX