
Physical principles and techniques of protein chemistry. Part A /

Physical Principles and Techniques of Protein Chemistry Part A.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Leach, Sydney J. (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: [Place of publication not identified] : Academic Press, 1969.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Physical Principles and Techniques of Protein Chemistry; Copyright Page; List of Contributors; Preface; Table of Contents; Contents of Part B; Chapter 1. Electron Microscopy of Globular Proteins; I. Introduction; II. Electron Microscopy and the Electron Microscope; III. The Enhancement of Contrast; IV. The Preservation of Specimens; V. Measurement; VI. Examples of the Application of Electron Microscopy to the Study of Proteins; VII. Prospects in the Electron Microscopy of Proteins; References; Chapter 2. X-Ray Methods; Glossary of Symbols; I. Introduction
  • II. The Nature of X-Ray DiffractionIII. The Protein Crystal; IV. The Reciprocal Lattice; V. The Structure Factor; VI. Fourier Synthesis; VII. Methods of Structure Determination; VIII. Fiber Diffraction; IX. Further Reading; References; Chapter 3. Ultraviolet Absorption; Glossary of Symbols; I. Introduction; II. Basic Spectroscopic Considerations; III. Chromophores of Proteins; IV. Spectrophotometric Titrations; V. Perturbation Difference Spectra; VI. Applications of Difference Spectra; VII. Determination of Tyrosine and Tryptophan; VIII. Experimental Considerations; IX. Prospects; References
  • Chapter 4. Fluorescence of ProteinsGlossary of Symbols; I. Theory; II. Technique; III. Application to Proteins and Model Compounds; References; Chapter 5. Perturbation and Flow Techniques; Glossary of Symbols; I. Introduction: On the Nature of Kinetic Analysis; II. Perturbation Methods; III. Flow Techniques; IV. Combined Flow- and Temperature-Jump Techniques; References; Chapter 6. Dielectric Properties of Proteins I. Dielectric Relaxation; Glossary of Symbols; I. Introduction; II. Dielectrics in a Static Field; III. Dielectrics in a Periodic Electric Field
  • IV. Measurement of Dielectric Constant and Dielectric LossV. Dielectric Relaxation of Proteins; VI. Dielectric Relaxation of Polyamino Acids; References; Chapter 7. Dielectric Properties of Proteins II. Electric Birefringence and Dichroism; Glossary of Symbols; I. Introduction; II. Outline of Theory; III. Experimental Methods; IV. Experimental Results; V. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 8. Electrophoresis; Glossary of Symbols; I. Introduction; II. Theory of Electromigration; III. Moving-Boundary Electrophoresis; IV. Zone Electrophoresis
  • Appendix A: Differential Equation of Forced Diffusion in the Case of ElectrophoresisAppendix B: Formulation of a Theory of Electrophoresis for Interactions between Macromolecules and Small Molecules; References; Chapter 9. Analytical Gel Filtration; Glossary of Symbols; I. Introduction; II. Theory of Gel Filtration; III. Experimental Aspects; IV. Estimation of Molecular Weight; V. Interpretation of Elution Profiles in Terms of Solute Composition; VI. Studies of Rapid Chemical Equilibria; VII. Concluding Remarks; References; Author Index; Subject Index