
Genetics of stem cells. Part A /

Genetics of Stem Cells.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Tang, Yaoliang
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: San Diego : Elsevier, 2012.
Colección:Progress in molecular biology and translational science ; 111.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Genetics of Stem Cells, Part A; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1: Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Somatic Cells; I. Generation of iPSCs; II. Methods of Delivering Transcription Factors into Cells; A. Integrating Viral Vectors; B. Nonintegrating Viral Vectors; C. Nonviral Reprogramming; D. Recombinant Proteins of Transcription Factors; E. Synthetic Modified mRNA of Transcription Factors; F. microRNAs; III. Nongenetic Approaches for Reprogramming; A. Small Molecules; B. Altering Cell-Cycle Signal Pathways
  • IV. Generation of Human iPSCs from Different Somatic Cell TypesV. Characterization of iPSCs; A. Genomic Integrity; B. Gene Expression Profiles; C. Epigenetic Status; D. Developmental Potential: Pluripotency; E. Differences Between iPSCs and ESCs; VI. Conclusion; References; Chapter 2: Induced Pluripotent Cells in Cardiovascular Biology: Epigenetics, Promises, and Challenges; I. Introduction; II. Non-iPS-Cell-Based Therapies and Their Limitations; A. Autologous Adult Bone-Marrow-Derived Stem Cells for Myocardial Repair; III. Therapeutic Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cells
  • IV. Induced Pluripotent Stem cells from Differentiated Somatic CellsA. Generation of iPS Cells; B. Epigenetic Mechanisms of Induced Pluripotency; V. Cardiovascular Lineage Differentiation of iPS Cells; A. Applications of iPS Cells; B. Major Limitations and Challenges for Clinical Application of iPS Cells; References; Chapter 3: Reprogramming of Somatic Cells; I. Introduction; II. Reprogramming of Somatic Cells into Pluripotent Stem Cells; A. Oocyte-Dependent Nuclear Reprogramming; 1. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer; B. Oocyte-Independent Nuclear Reprogramming; 1. Cell Fusion
  • 2. Somatic Cell Reprogramming by Transcription Factors (iPS cells)a. Methods of iPS Cell Generation; i. Viral-Integration-Based Gene Delivery System; ii. Viral-Nonintegration-Based Gene Delivery System; iii. Nonviral Vector Method of iPS Cells; iv. ESC Extract iPS Cells; v. Chemically Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells; vi. miRNA-Induced iPS Cells; 3. Cell Type and Reprogramming Efficiency; 4. Epigenetic Reprogramming Mechanism of iPS Cells; 5. Molecular Mechanism of Reprogramming; C. Incomplete Programming; D. Direct Reprogramming of Specific Lineage; 1. Immunogenicity of iPS Cells
  • III. Future PerspectivesReferences; Chapter 4: Induction of Somatic Cell Reprogramming Using the MicroRNA miR-302; I. Introduction; II. Mechanism of Reprogramming; A. MicroRNA and Reprogramming; B. Mechanism of miR-302 Biogenesis; C. miR-302 Induces Global Demethylation; D. miR-302 Activates Oct4 Expression; III. Role of miR-302 in Early Embryogenesis; A. MicroRNA and Zygotic Development; B. Comparison Between SCR-Mediated Global Demethylation and Zygotic Demethylation; IV. Dual Role of miR-302: Reprogramming Effector and Tumor Suppressor; A. Pluripotency Versus Tumorigenicity: Mechanism