Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : pornography and sex research / Donn Byrne and Kathryn Kelley. I. Aggressive pornography, individual differences and aggression. Aggression against women : cultural and individual causes / Neil M. Malamuth
  • Pornography : its effect on violence against women / Edward Donnerstein. II. Experimental studies on pornography and aggression. Arousal, affect, and the aggression-moderating effect of erotica / Barry S. Sapolsky
  • Effects of massive exposure to pornography / Dolf Zillman and Jennings Bryant. III. Correlational and cross-cultural studies on pornography and aggression. Sex and violence : a ripple effect / John H. Court
  • Pornography in Japan : cross-cultural and theoretical considerations / Paul R. Abramson and Haruo Hayashi
  • Sexual stratification, pornography, and rape in the United States / Larry Baron and Murray A. Straus. IV. Causes of sexual aggression : psychological and communicative factors. Sexually aggressive men : empirical findings and theoretical implications / Mary P. Koss and Kenneth E. Leonard
  • Sexual signaling and sexual aggression in adolescent relationships / Jacqueline D. Goodchilds and Gail L. Zellman. V. Legal implications of research on pornography and sexual aggression. Using psychological research on violent pornography to inform legal change / Steven Penrod and Daniel Linz
  • Bases for liability for injuries produced by media portrayals of violent pornography / Daniel Linz [and others]. Afterword : sex, violence, and the media : where do we stand now? / H.J. Eysenck.