Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Assessment and cognitive-behavioral interventions: purposes, proposals, and problems / Philip C. Kendall
  • Attributional styles: toward a framework for conceptualization and assessment / Gerald I. Metalsky & Lyn Y. Abramson
  • Assessing belief systems: concepts and strategies / Karen Sutton-Simon
  • Assessing self-referent speech: methods in the measurement of self-statements / Philip C. Kendall & Steven D. Hollon
  • The measurement of imagery: How can it be clincally useful? / Roni Beth Tower & Jerome L. Singer
  • Current concerns: assessing therapeutically relevant motivation / Eric Klinger, Steven G. Barta, & Madeline E. Maxeiner
  • The assessment of interpersonal problem-solving skills / Lynda Butler & Donald Meichenbaum.
  • Approaches to assessment for cognitive-behavioral interventions with children / Philip C. Kendall, David S. Pellegrini, & Eugene S. Urbain
  • Cognitive tasks in clinical assessment: an exercise in applied psychology / John F. Kihlstrom & William Nasby
  • In Vivo assessment techniques for cognitive-behavioral processes / Steven D. Hollon & Philip C. Kendall
  • The assessment of schemata: a unifying framework for cognitive, behavioral, and traditional assessment / Richard J. Landau & Marvin R. Goldfried.