Tabla de Contenidos:
  • How are the choice options and their consequences perceived and represented?
  • Grounding cognition in action: expertise, comprehension, and judgment
  • On the relativity of athletic performance: a comparison on performance judgments in sports
  • Cognitive movement scientist's view on the link between thought and action: insights from the Badische Zimmer metaphor
  • Perceiving and moving in sports and other high-pressure contexts
  • How do people perceive and generate options?
  • How the orbitofrontal cortex contributes to decision making: a view from neuroscience
  • Perceiving the intentions of others: how do skilled performers make anticipation judgments?
  • Bidirectional links between decision making, perception, and action
  • How are these options evaluated and an intended course of action selected?
  • Irrationality in action: do soccer players and goalkeepers fail to learn how to best perform during a penalty kick?
  • Getting around: making fast and frugal navigation decisions
  • Crossmodal interaction in speeded responses: time window of integration model
  • Embodied cognition of movement decisions: a computational modeling approach
  • Multiple-cue learning approach as the basis for understanding and improving soccer referees' decision making
  • Conceptual framework for studying emotions-cognitions-performance linkage under conditions that vary in perceived pressure
  • Visual cues influence motor coordination: behavioral results and potential neural mechanisms mediating perception-action coupling and response selection
  • How do motoric realities shape, and become shaped by, the way people evaluate and select potential courses of action? Toward a unitary framework of embodied decision making
  • How is a cognitively intended course of action physically implemented?
  • Perceptual decision making: a bidirectional link between mind and motion
  • Motor imagery and its implications for understanding the motor system
  • Cognitive nature of action: functional links between cognitive psychology, movement science, and robotics
  • Mental representations as an underlying mechanism for human performance
  • Biases and optimality of sensory-motor and cognitive decisions
  • Advances in coupling perception and action: the quiet eye as a bidirectional link between gaze, attention, and action
  • Juggling with the brain: thought and action in the human motor system
  • How are actions physically implemented?
  • Mind and motion: surveying successes and stumbles in looking ahead.