Table of Contents:
  • Actin organization in the sea urchin egg cortex / Annamma Spudich
  • Localization of bicoid message during drosophila oogenesis / Edwin C. Stephenson and Nancy J. Polrywka
  • Actin and actin-associated proteins in xenopus eggs and early embryos : contribution to cytoarchitecture and gastrulation / Elaine L. Bearer
  • Microtubules and cytoplasmic reorganization in the frog egg / Evelyn Houliston and Richard P. Elinson
  • Microtubule motors in the early sea urchin embryo / Brent D. Wright and Jonathan M. Scholey
  • Assembly of the intestinal brush border cytoskeleton / Matthew B. Heintzelman and Mark S. Mooseker
  • Development of the chicken intestinal epithelium / Salim N. Mamajiwalla, Karl R. Fath, and David R. Burgess
  • Developmental regulation of sarcomeric gene expression / Charles P. Ordahl.