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|a Data Acquisition and Quantification: -- S.R. Cherry, A. Chatziioannou, Y. Shao, R.W> Silverman, K. Meadors, and M.E. Phelps, Brain Imaging in Small Animals with MicroPET. -- W.W. Moses, P.R.G. Virador, S.E. Derenzo, R.H. Huesman, and T.F. Budinger, Design of a High-Resolution, High-Sensitivity PET Camera for Human Brains and Small Animals. -- Y. Shao, R. Slates, K. Farahani, A. Bowery, M. Dahlbom, K. Meadors, R.W. Silverman, M. Sugita, and S.R. Cherry, The Road to Simultaneous PET/MR Images of the Brain. -- D.L. Bailey, M.P. Miller, T.J. Spinks, P.M. Bloomfield, L. Livieratos, R.B. Banati, R. Myers, and T.J. Jones, Brain PET Studies with a High Sensitivity Fully 3D Tomograph. -- V. Sossi, K.S. Morrison, T.R. Oakes, and T.J. Ruth, Emission-Transmission Realignment Using a Simultaneous Emission-Transmission Postinjection Scan. -- P. Johannsen, S.B. Hansen, L. Stergaard, and A. Gjedde, Optimization of H2<sup>15</sup>O Dose and Data Acquisition in 3D Activation Studies Using an ECAT EXACT HR-47 PET Camera and Voxel-by-Voxel t-statistic. -- S.R. Meikle, J.C. Matthews, V.J. Cunningham, D.L. Bailey, T. Jones, and P. Price, Parametric Image Reconstruction Using Spectral Analysis of Rebinned 3D Projection Data. -- R.H> Huesman, G.J. Klein, B.W. Reutter, and X. Teng, Multi-Slice PET Quantitation Using 3D Volumes-of-Interest. -- C. Labbe, M. Koepp, J. Ashburner, T. Spinks, M. Richardson, J. Duncan, and V. Cunningham, Absolute PET Quantification with Correction for Partial Volume Effects within Cerebral Structures. -- O.G. Rousset, Y. Ma, D.F. Wong, and A.C. Evans, Pixel- versus ROI-based Partial Volume Correction in PET. -- F. Yokoi, O.G. Rousset, A.S. Dogan, S. Marenco, A.C. Evans, A.H. Gjedde, and D.F. Wong, The Impact of Partial Volume Correction on Kinetic Parameters: Preliminary Experience in Patient Studies. -- Image Processing: -- S.C. Huang, J. Yang, C.L. Yu, and K.P. Lin, Performance Characterization of a Feature-Matching Axial Smoothing Method for Brain PET Images. -- J.L.R. Anderson, Registration of Multitracer PET Data. -- O.R. Mawlawi, B.J. Beattie, S.M. Larson, and R.G. Blasberg, Multimodality Brain Image Registration Using a 3-D Photogrammetrically Derived Surface. -- J. Yap, V. Cunningham, T. Jones, M. Cooper, C.T. Chen, and P. Price, Classification of Dynamic PET Images Using A Priori Kinetic Factors. -- J.R. Rakshi, D.L. Bailey, K. Ito, T. Uema, P.K. Morrish, J. Ashburner, K.J. Friston, and D.J. Brooks, Methodology for Statistical Parametric Mapping of [<sup>18</sup>F]Fluorodopa Uptake Rate Using 3D PET. -- H. Litt and B. Horwitz, The Use of Nonlinear Kernal Analysis to Evaluate The Badness-of-Fit of the Transformation of PET Images Into Stereotactic Space: Application to Alzheimers Disease. -- S. Minoshima, E.P. Ficaro, K.A. Frey, R.A. Koeppe, and D.E. Kuhl, Data Extraction from Brain PET Images Using Three-Dimensional Sterotactic Surface Projections. -- H.-M. von Stockhausen, U. Pietrzyk, K. Herholz, A. Theil, J. Ilmberger, H.-J. Reulen, and W.-D. Heiss, A Method for Surface-Based Quantification of Functional Data from the Human Cortex. -- Applications: -- R. Graf, A. Schuster, J. Littgen, U. Pietrzyk, K. Ohta, E. Kumura, K. Weinhard, and W.-D. Heiss, Sequential Experimental PET: Voxel Based Analysis Reveals Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Perfusion in Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia. -- J. Littgen, U. Pietrzyk, K. Herholz, K. Wienhard, and W.-D. Heiss, Estimation of Ischemic CBF Using [<sup>15</sup>O]H2O and PET Without Arterial Blood Sampling. -- A. Thiel, K. Herholz, H.-M. von Stockhausen, G. Pawlik, and W.-D. Heiss, Suitability of [<sup>15</sup>O]H2O and PET to Detect Activation-Induced CBF Changes in Brain Tissue Altered by Brain Tumors. -- K. Herholz, A. Theil, U. Pietrzyk, H.-M. von Stockhausen, M. Ghaemi, A. Berzdorf, J. Sobesky, K. Weinhard, and W.-D. Heiss, MRI-Guided Language Activation PET in Patients: Technical Aspects and Clinical Results. -- J.R. Moeller, C. Ghez, A. Antonini, M.F. Ghilardi, V. Dhawan, K. Kazumata, and D. Eidelberg, Brain Networks of Motor Behavior Assessed by Principal Component Analysis. -- M.S. Vafaee, E. Meyer, S. Marrett, T. Paus, A.C. Evans, and A. Gjedde, Frequency-Dependent Changes in Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen During Activation of Human Visual Cortex Studied by PET. -- A.H. Moore, M.J. Raleigh, S.R. Cherry, S.-C. Huang, and M.E. Phelps, Validation of a FDG-PET Protocol in Conscious Vervet Monkey. -- D.B. Stout, S.C. Huang, M.J. Raleigh, M.E. Phelps, and J.R. Barrio, Comparison of Ketamine/Midazolam Versus Pentobarbital on [<sup>18</sup>F]Fluorodopa PET Kinetics in Monkeys. -- E.H. Danielsen, D.F. Smith, A.D. Gee, T.K. Venkatachalam, S.B. Hansen, and A. Gjedde, The Metabolism of [<sup>18</sup>F]Fluorodopa in Pig Brain Estimated by PET. -- R. Meyers, R.B. Banati, E. Paulesu, J. Thorpe, D.H. Miller, and T. Jones, The Use of 2D and 3D PET and [<sup>11</sup>C](R)-PK11195 to Image Focal and Regional Brain Pathology. -- O. Muzik, D.C. Chugani, C. Shen, and H.T. Chugani, Noninvasive Imaging of Serotonin Synthesis Rate Using PET and [<sup>11</sup>C]( -methyltryptophan in Autistic Children. -- M. Higuchi, M. Itoh, K. Yanai, N. Okamura, A. Yamaki, T. Ido, H. Arai, and H. Sasaki, Brain Mapping of the Effects of Aging on Histamine H1 Receptors in Humans: A Pet Study with [<sup>11</sup>C] Doxepin. -- Statistical Analysis: -- U.E. Ruttimann, D. Rio, R.R. Rawlings, P. Anderson, and D.W. Hommer, PET Analysis Using a Variance Stabilizing Transform. -- M. Senda, K. Ishii, K. Oda, N. Sadato, R. Kawashima, I. Kanno, H. Toyama, and I. Tatsumi, Error and t Images Depend on ANOVA Design and Anatomical Standardization in PET Activation Analysis. -- J.R. Votaw, S.T. Grafton, and J.M. Hoffman, Calculation of the Probability That an Activation Site Has Occurred by Chance. -- J.D. Van Horn, T.M. Ellmore, J.L. Holt, G. Esposito, D.R. Weinberger, and K.F. Berman, Multifiltering Signal Detection and Statistical Power in Brain Activation Studies. -- S.C. Strother, K. Rehm, N. Lange, J. Anderson, K.A. Schaper, L.K. Hansen, and D.A. Rottenberg, Measuring Activation Pattern Reproducibility Using Resampling Techniques. -- D. Eidelberg, J.R. Moeller, V. Dhawan, A. Antonini, L. Moran, J. Missimer, and K.L. Leenders, Reproducibility of Regional Metabolic Covariance Patterns: Comparison of Four Populations. -- B.A. Ardekani, S.C. Strother, J.R. Anderson, I. Law, O.B. Paulson, I. Kanno, and D.A. Rottenberg, On the Detection of Activation Patterns Using Principal Components Analysis. -- Tracer Development: -- M.R. Kilbourn, T.B. Nguyen, S.E. Snyder, and R.A. Koeppe, One For All, Or One For Each? Matching Radiotracers and Regional Brain Pharmacokinetics. -- A.J. Abrunhosa, F. Brady, S. Luthra, H. Morris, J.J. de Lima, and T. Jones, The Use of Informatin Technology in the Search for New PET Tracers. -- D. Hussey, J.N. DaSilva, E. Greenwald, K. Cheung, S. Kapur, A.A. Wilson, and S. Houle, Statistical Power Analysis in In Vivo Studies in RatBrain Using PET Radiotracers. -- A.A. Wilson, T. Inaba, N. Fisher, J.N. DaSilva, and S. Houle, A Human Liver Model of Metabolism as a Tool in the Identification of Potential PET Radiotracers. -- G. Vorwieger, P. Brust, R. Bergmann, R. Bauer, B. Walter, F. Fuchtner, J. Steinbach, and B. Johannsen, HPLC-Analysis of the Metabolism of 6-[<sup>18</sup>F]Fluoro-L-DOPA (FDOPA) in the Brain of Neonatal Pigs. -- B. Lopresti, D. Holt, N.S. Mason, Y. Huang, J. Ruszkiewics, J. Perevuznik, J. Price, G. Smith, and C. Mathis, Characterization of the Radiolabeled Metabolites of [<sup>18</sup>F]Altanserin: Implications for Kinetic Modeling.
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|a J. Opacka-Juffry, H. Morris, S. Ashworth, S. Osman, E. Hirani, A.M. MacLeod, S.K. Luthra, and S.P. Hume, Preliminary Evaluation of the Glycine Site Antagonists [<sup>11</sup>C]L 703,717 and [<sup>3</sup>H]MDL 105,519 as Putative PET Ligands for Central NMDA Receptors-In Vivo Studies in Rats. -- Parameter Estimation: -- J.C. Matthews, V.J. Cunningham, and P.M. Price, Evaluation of the Contribution of Protocol Design to Model Parameter Uncertainty. -- D. Ho, D. Feng, and L.C. Wu, An Assessment of Optimal Image Sampling Schedule Design in Dynamic PET-FDG Studies. -- D. Feng, K.-P. Wong, C.-M. Wu, and W.-C. Siu, Simultaneous Extraction of Physiological and Input Function Parameters from PET Measurement. -- V.J. Cunningham, R.N. Gunn, H. Byrne, and J.C. Matthews, Suppression of Noise Artifacts in Spectral Analysis of Dynamic PET Data. -- D.C. Reutens and M. Andermann, Constraints in Spectral Analysis. -- D. Feng, D. Ho, K.K. Lau, and W.C. Siu, GLLS Modeling Algorithm for Optimally Sampled Positron Emission Tomography Image Data. -- M.M. Graham, S.B. Gillispie, M. Muzi, and F. OSullivan, Parametric Image Generation with Neural Networks. -- S. Houle, Kinetic Modeling: Achieving Computer Platform Independence with Java. -- Kinetic Modeling: -- R.A. Koeppe, E.P. Ficaro, D.M. Raffel, S. Minoshima, and M.R. Kilbourn, Temporally Overlapping Dual-Tracer PET Studies. -- P.J. Toussaint and E. Meyer, Simultaneous Estimation of Perfusion (K1) and Vascular (0) Responses in[<sup>15</sup>O]H2O PET Activation Studies. -- J.J. Moreno-Cant, C.J. Thompson, E. Meyer, P. Fiset, R.J. Zatorre, D. Klein, and D. Reutens, Enhanc ement of Signal-to-Noise Ration in [<sup>15</sup>O]H2O Bolus PET Activation Studies Using a Combined Cold-bolus/Switched Protocol. -- P. Vontobel, G. Kunig, M. Bruhlmeier, I. Gunther, A. Antonini, M. Psylla, and K.L. Leenders, Neutral Amino Acids Influence [<sup>18</sup>F]FDOPA Quantification. -- D.J. Doudet, O.T. DeJesus, G.L.Y. Chan, S. Jivan, J.E. Holden, C. English, T.G. Aigner, and T.J. Ruth, Imaging of the Dopamine Presynaptic System by PET: 6-[<sup>18</sup>F]Fluoro-L-DOPA vs. 6-[<sup>18</sup>F]Fluoro-L-M-Tyrosine. -- S. Nagatsuka, H. Namba, M. Iyo, K. Fukushi, H. Shinotoh, T. Suhara, Y. Sudo, K. Suzuki, and T. Irie, Quantitative Measurement of Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Living Human Brain Using a Radioactive Acetylcholine Analog and Dynamic PET. -- R.N. Gunn, A.A. Lammertsa, and V.J. Cunningham, Parametric Imaging of Ligand-Receptor Interactions Using a Reference Tissue Model and Cluster Analysis. -- E.D. Morris, S.I. Chefer, and E.D. London, Limitations of Binding Potential asa Measure of Receptor Function. A Two-Point Correction for the Effects of Mass. -- M.C. Petit-Taboue, B. Landeau, A.R. Young, P. Schumann, L. Besret, M. Ibazizene, and J.C. Baron, Estimation of Non-Specific Binding of [<sup>18</sup>F]Setoperone, a 5HT2A Receptor PET Radioligand, From Saturation Kinetic Data in Baboon and Human Neocortex. -- A.A. Bonab, A.J. Fischman, and N.M. Alpert, Estimation of Binding Potential for the 5-HT2 Receptor Ligand, [<sup>18</sup>F]Setoperone by an Non-Invasive Reference Region Graphical Method. -- J.C. Price, B. Lopresti, N.S. Mason, Y. Huang, D. Holt, G.S. Smith, and C.A. Mathis, [<sup>18</sup>F]Altanserin PET Studies of Serotonin-2A Binding: Examination of Nonspecific Component. -- C.J. Endres and R.E. Carson, Characteristics of Neurotransmitter Competition Studies Using Constant Infusion of Tracer. -- J.C. Price, N.S. Mason, B. Lopresti, D. Holt, N.R. Simpson, W. Drevets, G.S. Smith, and C.A. Mathis, PET Measurement of Endogenous Neurotransmitter Activity Using High and Low Affinity Radiotracers. -- A. Dagher, R.N. Gunn, G. Lockwood, V.J. Cunningham, P.M. Grasby, and D.J. Brooks, Measuring Neurotransmitter Release with Positron Emission Tomography: Methodological Issues. -- M. Laruelle, A. Abi-Dargham, and R.B. Innis, Imaging Receptor Occupancy by Endogenous Transmitters in Humans. -- D.F. Wong, T. Solling, F. Yokoi, and A. Gjedde, Quantification of Extracellular Dopamine release in Schizophrenia and Cocaine Use by Means of TREMBLE. -- BrainPET97 Discussion. -- Subject Index.