Tabla de Contenidos:
  • <P>CONTENT EXTRACTION<BR>Local Spatiotemporal Features for Robust Content-Based Video Copy Detection; <EM>Geert Willems, Tinne Tuytelaars, and Luc Van Gool<BR></EM>Cross-Domain Learning for Semantic Concept Detection; <EM>Wei Jiang, Alexander Loui, And Shih-Fu Chang<BR></EM>TV Content Analysis and Annotation for Parental Control; <EM>Thanassis Perperis and Sofia Tsekeridou<BR></EM>Robust, Hardware-Oriented Overlaid Graphics Detection for TV Applications; <EM>Ahmet Ekin<BR></EM>Commercial and Trademark Recognition; <EM>Lamberto Ballan, Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo, Walter Nunziati, and Giuseppe Serra</EM></P><P></P><P>CONTENT STRUCTURING<BR>TV Program Structuring Techniques; <EM>Alina Elma Abduraman, Sid Ahmed Berrani, and Bernard Merialdo<BR></EM>About TV StreamMacro-Segmentation; <EM>Zein Al Abidin Ibrahim and Patrick Gros<BR></EM>Large-Scale Analysis for Interactive Media Consumption; <EM>David Gibbon, Andrea Basso, Lee Begeja, Zhu Liu, Bernard Renger, Behzad Shahraray, and Eric Zavesky<BR></EM>9 High-Level TV Talk Show Structuring Centered on Speakers' Interventions; <EM>Félicien Vallet, Slim Essid, Jean Carrive, and Gaël Richard</EM></P><P>CONTENT RECOMMENDATION<BR>Recommender Systems for Interactive TV; <EM>Riccardo Bambini, Paolo Cremonesi, and Roberto Turrin<BR></EM>Capturing Long-Term User Interests in Online Television News Programs; <EM>Frank Hopfgartner<BR></EM>Personalized Content Access in Interactive TV-Based Cross Media Environments; <EM>Alcina Prata, Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães</EM></P><P>CONTENT QUALITY</P><P>Algorithmic Evaluation of Visual Appeal; <EM>Anush Krishna Moorthy and Alan Conrad Bovik<BR></EM>Mobile TV Content Design Rules; <EM>Shelley Buching</EM>er, <EM>Julia Wippersberg, Klaus Lojka, Karin Macher, Werner Robitza, Matej Nezveda, Patrik Hummelbrunner, and Helmut Hlavacs<BR><BR></EM>WEB AND SOCIAL TV<BR>Hierarchical Semantic Content Analysis and Its Applications in Multimedia Summarization and Browsing; <EM>Junyong You, Andrew Perkis, Moncef Gabbouj, and Touradj Ebrahimi<BR></EM>Elaborating the Convergence of TV and Web (2.0) Content; <EM>Sabine Bachmayer and Pauliina Tuomi<BR></EM>Enhancing Social TV through Social Media Mining; <EM>Ovidiu Dan, Junlan Feng, and Bernard Renger</EM></P><P></P><P>CONTENT PRODUCTION</P><P>A Survey of Advanced Content Management Tools for TV Postproduction; <EM>Werner Bailer, Klaus Schoeffmann, and Frank Hopfgartner<BR></EM>Enriching the Viewing Experience of TV Programs Using Virtual Content Insertion; <EM>Yu-Tzu Lin, Chia-Hu Chang, and Ja-Ling Wu<BR></EM>Analysis of the TV Interactive Content Convergence and Cross-Platform Adaptation; <EM>Aitor Rodriguez-Alsina and Jordi Carrabina</EM></P><P>Glossary </P><P>Index</P>