Table of Contents:
  • ""IPhone and iPad App 24-Hour Trainer""; ""Contents""; ""Introduction""; ""Who This Book Is For""; ""What This Book Covers""; ""How This Book Is Structured""; ""Instructional Videos on DVD""; ""Conventions""; ""Source Code""; ""Errata""; """"; ""Chapter 1: Hello iOS!""; ""iOS Developer Essentials""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 2: The iOS Simulator""; ""Features of the iOS Simulator""; ""Limitations of the iOS Simulator""; ""Chapter 3: A Tour of Xcode""; ""The Welcome Screen ""; ""Selecting a Project Template""; ""Setting up Project Options""; ""An Overview of the Xcode IDE ""
  • ""Try It""""Chapter 4: iOS Application Basics""; ""Application States""; ""Windows, Views, and View Controllers""; ""Frameworks""; ""Creating User Interface Elements ""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 5: Introduction to Storyboards""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 6: Handling User Input""; ""Text Fields""; ""Text Views""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 7: Communicating with Your Users""; ""Alert Views""; ""Action Sheets""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 8: Adding Images to Your View""; ""The UIImage Class""; ""The UIImageView Class""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 9: Pickers""; ""Arrays in Objective-C""; ""Try It""
  • ""Chapter 10: Date Pickers""""Dates in Objective-C""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 11: Custom Pickers""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 12: Navigation Controllers""; ""Navigation Controller Interface""; ""Navigation Controller Hierarchy""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 13: Table Views""; ""Table View Workflow""; ""Table View Styles""; ""New for iOS 5""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 14: Static Table Views""; ""Table View Types""; ""Table View Design""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 15: Tab Bars and Toolbars""; ""Tab Bars""; ""Toolbars""; ""XIB-Based Xcode 4.2 Changes""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 16: Creating Page-Based Applications""
  • ""The PageViewController Class""""The Page-Based Application Template""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 17: Creating UI Elements Programmatically""; ""UIButton""; ""UILabel""; ""UIImageView""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 18: Creating Views That Scroll""; ""The UIScrollView class""; "" Scroll Views and Text Fields""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 19: Popovers and Modal Views""; ""Popovers""; ""Modal Views""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 20: Tweeting with Twitter""; ""The Tweet Sheet""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 21: Basic File Handling""; ""The IOS File System""; ""Introducing the NSFileManager Class""; ""Object Serialization""
  • ""Try It""""Chapter 22: Property Lists""; ""Property List Types""; ""Creating Property Lists""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 23: Application Settings""; ""Adding a Settings Bundle""; ""Reading Preferences with Code""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 24: iTunes File Sharing Support""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 25: Introduction to iCloud Storage""; ""Basic Concepts""; ""Preparing to Use the iCloud Storage APIs ""; ""Checking for Service Availability""; ""Using iCloud Document Storage""; ""Try It""; ""Chapter 26: Introduction to Core Data""; ""Basic Concepts""; ""Instantiating Core Data Objects""