Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Copyright; Credits; Foreword; About the Author; Acknowledgement; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Overview of PL/SQL Programming Concepts; PL/SQL-the procedural aspect; My first PL/SQL program; PL/SQL development environments; SQL Developer; SQL Developer-the history; Creating a connection; SQL Worksheet; Executing a SQL statement; Calling a SQL script from SQL Developer; Creating and executing an anonymous PL/SQL block; Debugging the PL/SQL code; Editing and saving the scripts; SQL*Plus; Executing a SQL statement in SQL*Plus
  • Executing an anonymous PL/SQL blockProcedures; Executing a procedure; Functions; Function-execution methods; Restrictions on calling functions from SQL expressions; PL/SQL packages; Cursors-an overview; Cursor execution cycle; Cursor attributes; Cursor FOR loop; Exception handling in PL/SQL; System-defined exceptions; User-defined exceptions; The RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure; Exception propagation; Managing database dependencies; Displaying the direct and indirect dependencies; Dependency metadata; Dependency issues and enhancements; Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages; Summary
  • Practice exerciseChapter 2: Designing PL/SQL Code; Understanding cursor structures; Cursor execution cycle; Cursor design considerations; Cursor design-guidelines; Cursor attributes; Implicit cursors; Explicit cursors; Cursor variables; Ref cursor types-strong and weak; SYS_REFCURSOR; Processing a cursor variable; Cursor variables as arguments; Cursor variables-restrictions; Subtypes; Subtype classification; Oracle's predefined subtypes; User-defined subtypes; Type compatibility with subtypes; Summary; Practice exercise; Chapter 3: Using Collections; Collections-an overview; Categorization
  • Selecting an appropriate collection typeAssociative arrays; Nested tables; Nested table collection type as the database object; DML operations on nested table columns; A nested table collection type in PL/SQL; Additional features of a nested table; Varray; Varray in PL/SQL; Varray as a database collection type; DML operations on varray type columns; Collections-a comparative study; Common characteristics of collection types; Nested table versus associative arrays; Nested table versus varrays; PL/SQL collection methods; EXISTS; COUNT; LIMIT; FIRST and LAST; PRIOR and NEXT; EXTEND; TRIM; DELETE
  • Manipulating collection elementsCollection initialization; Summary; Practice exercise; Chapter 4: Using Advanced Interface Methods; Understanding external routines; Architecture of external routines; Oracle Net Configuration; TNSNAMES.ora; LISTENER.ora; Oracle Net Configuration verification; Benefits of external procedures; Executing external C programs from PL/SQL; Executing C program through external procedure-development steps; Executing Java programs from PL/SQL; Calling a Java class method from PL/SQL; Uploading a Java class into the database-development steps