
Windows 2000 commands : pocket reference /

Windows administrators can accomplish many of their routine tasks much more quickly by using the command line (similar to the command line of DOS or Unix-based systems) than by going through the graphical user interface that most users associate with Windows. Windows 20000 Commands Pocket Reference...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Frisch, AEleen
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, ©2001.
Edición:1st ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo (Requiere registro previo con correo institucional)
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Table of Contents; Windows 2000 Commands Pocket Reference; Introduction; What's Not Included; Organization; Typographic Conventions; Entering Commands; I/O Redirection; Environment Variables; Installing Extra Administrative Commands; Help Commands; General-Purpose Commands; clipRK; cmd; cscript; date; doskey; find; findstr; logoffRK; more; nowRK; path; pathmanRK; qgrepRK; setxRK; sort; time; title; ver; whereRK; whoamiRK; General Administrative Commands; assoc; ftypeRK; mode; msinfo32; net computer; net name; net send; net time; shutdownRK; timezoneRK; uptimeRK; Working with Files; attrib
  • Cacls, xcaclsRKcomp; compact; convert; copy; del; dir; fc; filever; inuseRK; linkdRK; mcopyRK, mtcRK; move; net file; ntbackup; ntdsutil; ohRK; pax; permcopyRK; permsRK; ren; replace; rsdiag; rsdir; srvcheckRK; subinaclRK; takeownRK; type; xcopy; Working with Directories; append; cd; cipher; delrpRK; diruseRK; efsinfoRK; md; popd; pushd; rd; sfc; tree; Working with Disks and Filesystems; chkdsk; dfscmd; dfsutil; diskcomp; diskcopy; diskmapRK; diskuseRK; dmdiagRK; format; label; mountvol; vol; Managing Shares; net share; net use; net view; rsm; Printing; con2prt; lpq; lpr; print
  • Networking-Related CommandsClient Utilities; finger; ftp; hostname; irftp; rcp; rsh, rexec; telnet; tftp; Administrative Utilities; arp; atmadm; dhcplocRK; dnscmd; getmacRK; iisreset; ipconfig; ipsecpolRK; nbtstat; net session; net statistics; netsh; netstat; nslookup; pathping; ping; pptpclnt, pptpsrv; qtcpRK; rasdial; raslistRK; rasusersRK; route; rpingsRK; tracert; winschkRK; winsclRK; Administering Users and Groups; addusersRK; cusrmgrRK; delprofRK; globalRK; localRK; net accounts; net group; net localgroup; net user; ntrightsRK; sdcheck; showgrpsRK; showmbrsRK; showprivRK; usrstatRK
  • UsrtogrpRKManaging Processes; at; clearmemRK; diskperf; kill; memsnap; net print; pmon; ps.vbsRK; ptreeRK; pulistRK; rkillRK; runas; soonRK; start; timethisRK; tlist; typeperfRK; Managing Services; delsrvRK; dumpelRK; elogdmpRK; instsrvRK; logeventRK; msizap; net config; net continue; net pause; net start; net stop; netsvcRK; scRK; sclistRK; Accessing the System Registry; duregRK; reg; regbackRK; regdmpRK; regfindRK; reginiRK; regrestRK; scanregRK; Active Directory and Domain Management Commands; acldiag; auditpolRK; browstat; csvde, ldifde; dcdiag; dsacls; dsastat; dumpfsmosRK; gpolmigRK
  • GpotoolRKgpresultRK; guid2objRK; klistRK; ksetup; ktpass; movetree; netdiag; netdom; nltest; search.vbs; secedit; Installation-Related Commands; instalerRK, showinstRK, undoinstRK; netsetRK; sysdiffRK; sysprepRK; winnt; The Windows 2000 Recovery Console; Creating an Emergency Repair Disk; Command Equivalents for Program Menu Items; User Rights and System Privileges; Script-Related Constructs; Commands Useful in Scripts; call; choiceRK; cls; echo; exit; for; forfilesRK; freediskRK; gettypeRK; goto; if; ifmemberRK; pause; prompt; rem; set; setlocal ... endlocal; shift; sleepRK; timeoutRK