
Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement /

This Special Publication contains 43 scientific studies presented at the 5th conference on 'Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement' held in Montpellier, France in 2012. The conference and this resulting volume cover all the aspects of clay characterizati...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Norris, S. (Simon) (Editor ), Bruno, J. (Editor ), Cathelineau, Michel (Editor ), Delage, P. (Editor ), Fairhurst, Charles (Editor ), Gaucher, E. C. (Editor ), Höhn, E. H. (Editor ), Kalinichev, A. (Editor ), Lalieux, P. (Editor ), Sellin, P. (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : The Geological Society, 2014.
Colección:Geological Society special publication ; no. 400.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement : an introduction / S. Norris
  • Three decades of underground research laboratories : what have we learned? / J. Delay, P. Bossart, L.X. Ling, I. Blechschmidt, M. Ohlsson, A. Vinsot, C. Nussbaum & N. Maes
  • Large scale geological characterization. Long-term evolution of the surface environment of the Campine area, northeastern Belgium, first assessment / K. Beerten, M. De Craen & B. Leterme
  • Earth tidal and barometric responses observed in the Callovo-Oxfordian clay formation at Andra Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory / M. Delcourt-Honorez & E. Scholz
  • Clay based concept/Large scale experiments. Enhanced sealing project (ESP) : evolution of a full-sized bentonite and concrete shaft seal / D.A. Dixon, D.G. Priyanto, J.B. Martino, M. De Combarieu, R. Johansson, P. Korkeakoski & J. Villagran
  • EBS behaviour immediately after repository closure in a clay host rock : HE-E experiment (Mont Terri URL) / I. Gaus, K. Wieczorek, K. Schuster, B. Garitte, R. Senger, R. Vasoncelos & J.C. Mayor
  • Self-sealing experiments and gas injection tests in a backfilled microtunnel of the Mont Terri URL / G.W. Lanyon, P. Marschall, T. Trick, R. de La Vaissière, H. Shao & H. Leung
  • Installation of the PRACLAY seal and heater / P. Van Marcke, X.L. Li, G.J. Chen, J. Verstricht, W. Bastiaens & X. Sillen
  • Hydro-chemical modelling of in situ behaviour of bituminized radioactive waste in boom clay / N. Mokni, S. Olivella, E. Valcke, N. Bleyen, S. Smets, X. Li & X. Sillen
  • Studies of construction methods for bentonite engineered barrier systems for sub-surface disposal : vibratory compaction / A. Yamada, Y. Akiyama, M. Nakajima, T. Yada, M. Chijimatsu & T. Nakajima
  • Hydrodynamical modelling. Analysis of the ambient conditions in an IL-LLW storage cell in a deep clay repository during the waiting closure period / L.-V. Bénet, C. Bouillet & J. Wendling
  • Regional groundwater flow modelling of the confined aquifers below the boom clay in NE Belgium / K. Vandersteen, M. Gedeon, J. Marivoet & L. Wouters
  • Geochemistry. Microbial processes relevant for the long-term performance of high-level radioactive waste repositories in clays / A. Meleshyn
  • Two-phase-flow pore-size simulations in opalinus clay by the lattice Boltzmann method / M. Dymitrowska, A. Pazdniakou & P.M. Adler
  • Oxidation front and oxygen transfer in the fractured zone surrounding the Meuse/Haute-Marne URL drifts in the Callovian-Oxfordian argillaceous rock / A. Vinsot, F. Leveau, A. Bouchet & A. Arnould
  • Effect of montmorillonite content on mechanical and hydraulic properties of bentonite and its numerical modelling / Y. Takayama, S. Tsurumi, I. Kobayashi, H. Ohwada, T. Ishii, R. Yahagi & A. Iizuka
  • Reactive transport modelling of iron-bentonite interaction within the KBS-3H disposal concept : the Olkiluoto site as a case study / P. Wesin & M. Birgersson
  • Geomechanics. Thermo-hydraulic modelling of the bentonite buffer in deposition hole 6 of the Prototype Repository / D. Malmerg & O. Kristensson
  • Coupled hydromechanical modelling of the mine-by experiment at Meuse-Haute-Marne underground rock laboratory France / K. Yildizdag, H. Shao, J. Hesser, A. Noiret & J. Soennke
  • Excavation-induced fractures network surrounding tunnel : properties and evolution under loading / R. de La Vaissière, J. Morel, A. Noiret, P. Côte, B. Helmlinger, R. Sohrabi, J.-M. Lavanchy, F. Leveau, C. Nussbaum & J. Morel
  • Measuring hydraulic conductivity and swelling pressure under high hydraulic gradients / L. Hausmannova & R. Vasicek
  • Pore-pressure cycling experiments on Mx80 bentonite / C.C. Graham, J.F. Harrington, R.J. Cuss & P. Sellin
  • Mechanical interpretations of the homogeneous nature of bentonite due to swelling / I. Kobayahsi, K. Suzuki, H. Asano, P. Sellin, C. Svemar & M. Holmqvist
  • Characterization of excavated claystone and claystone-bentonite mixtures as backfill/seal material / C.-L. Zhang
  • Equivalent upscaled hydro-mechanical properties of a damaged and fractured claystone around a gallery (Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory) / R. Ababou, I Cañamón & A. Poutrel
  • Numerical modelling of moisture controlled laboratory swelling/shrinkage experiments on argillaceous rocks / W.J. Xu, H. Shao, J. Hesser & O. Kolditz
  • Analytical modelling of a deep tunnel in a viscoplastic rock mass accounting for a simplified life cycle and extension to a particular case of porous media / F. Deleruyelle, T.A. Bui, H. Wong & N. Dufour
  • Self-sealing barriers of sand/clay mixtures : lessons learnt from in situ experiment and retrospective modelling / O. Czaikowski, R. Miehe & T. Rothfuchs
  • Preliminary modelling of the saturation of a full-sized clay and concrete shaft seal / D.G. Priyanto, D.A. Dixon, C.-S. Kim, P. Korkeakoski & J.E. Villagran
  • Evolution of temperature and humidity in an underground repository over the operation period / L.-V. Bénet, C. Tulita, L. Calsyn & J. Wendling
  • Mass transfer/gas transfer. Gas injection test in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone : data analysis and numerical modelling / R. de La Vaissière, P. Gerard, J.-P. Radu, R. Charlier, F. Collin, S. Granet, J. Talandier, M. Piedevache & B. Helmlinger
  • Full-scale 3D modelling of a nuclear waste repository in the Callovo-Oxfordian clay, part 1 : thermo-hydraulic two-phase transport of water and hydrogen / J. Brommundt, Th.U. Kaempfer, C.P. Enssle, G. Mayer & J. Wendling
  • Full-scale 3D modelling of a nuclear waste repository in the Callovo-Oxfordian clay, part 2 : thermo-hydraulic two-phase transport of water, hydrogen, ¹⁴C and ¹²⁹I / C.P. Enssle, J. Brommundt, Th.U. Kaempfer, G. Mayer & J. Wendling
  • Analysis of the long-term hydraulic-gas transient in the central zone of a deep clay repository / L.-V. Bénet, C. Tulita, A. Pasteau & J. Wendling
  • Phenomena exposure from large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) dataset using a bespoke data analysis toolkit / D.P. Bennett, R.J. Cuss, P.J. Vardon, J.F. Harrington & H.R. Thomas
  • Experimental observations of mechanical dilation at the onset of gas flow in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone / R. Cuss, J. Harrington, R. Giot & C. Auvray
  • Laboratory gas injection tests of compacted bentonite buffer material for TRU waste disposal / K. Namiki, H. Asano, S. Takahashi, T. Shimura & K. Hirota
  • Characterization of gas flow through low-permeability claystone : laboratory experiments and two-phase flow analyses / R. Senger, E. Romero, A. Ferrari & P. Marschall
  • Extended two-phase flow model with mechanical capability to simulate gas migration in bentonite / Y. Tawara, A. Hazart, K. Mori, K. Tada, T. Shimura, S. Sato, S. Yamamoto, H. Asano & K. Namiki
  • In situ diffusion test of hydrogen gas in the opalinus clay / A. Vinsot, C.A.J. Appelo, M. Lundy, S. Wechner, Y. Lettry, C. Lerouge, A.M. Fernández, M. Labat, C. Tournassat, P. De Canniere, B. Schwyn, J. McKelvie, S. Dewonck, P. Bossart & J. Delay
  • Mass transfer mechanisms. Experimental study on diffusion of tritiated water and anions under variable water-saturation and clay mineral content : comparison with the Callovo-Oxfordian claystones / S. Savoye, C. Imbert, A. Fayette & D. Coelho
  • Long-term impact of temperature on the hydraulic permeability of bentonite / J.F. Harrington, G. Volckaert & D.J. Noy
  • The uncertainties associated with the application of through-diffusion, the steady-state method : a case study of strontium diffusion / J. Gondolli & P. Večerník
  • Model validation based on in situ radionuclide migration tests in boom clay : status of a large-scale migration experiment, 24 years after injection / E. Weetjens, N. Maes & L. van Ravestyn.