Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Anastasios Panagiotopoulos and Diana Espirito Santo
  • Necrographic frameworks
  • Voices and silences of the dead in western modernity / Tony Walter
  • Coping with massive urban death : the mutual constitution of mourning and
  • Recovery in World War Two's bombing war / Antonius C.G.M. Robben
  • Biographies and necrographies in exchange : from the self to the other / Anastasios Panagiotopoulos
  • Necrographic observations
  • The making of spirit bodies and death perspectives in Afro-Cuban religion / Diana Espirito Santo
  • Sensory necrography : the flow of signs and sensations in the corpse / Beth Conklin
  • Unanchored deaths : grieving the unplaceable in Samburu / Bilinda Straight
  • The sociality of death : life potentialities and the Vietnamese dead / Marina Marouda
  • Enlightened spirits : a historical-anthropological perspective on spiritism, science, modernity and the vitality of spirits under neoliberalism / Raquel Romberg
  • Channeling the flow : dealing with death in an African-based religion / Gabriel Banaggia
  • Of shadows and fears : Nepalese ghost stories from classical texts and folklore to the social media / Davide Torri
  • Death isn't what it used to be : animist and Baptist ontologies in tribal India / Piers Vitebsky.