Table des matières:
  • Intro; Contents; Dedicatory Chronogram; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Illustrations; Select Bibliography; Introduction; Introduction; I. Liber Divinorum Operum: Summary; II. Themes; 1. The Relationship between Divinity and Humanity: The Work of God; 2. The Relationship between Humanity and Creation: Microcosm and Macrocosm; 3. The Light of Divine Foreknowledge and the Eternal Predestination of Christ; 4. Hildegard as Exegete; 5. History and Symbolism; III. Manuscripts, Editions, and Principles of Translation; The Book of Divine Works; Prologue; Part I; Vision 1: Theophany of Divine Love.
  • Vision 2: The Cosmic Spheres and Human BeingVision 3: Macrocosm of Winds, Microcosm of Humors; Vision 4: Cosmos, Body, and Soul: The Word Made Flesh; Part II; Vision 1: The Earth: Life's Merits, Purgatory, and Commentary on the Creation; Part III; Vision 1: The City of God and the Mirror of the Angels; Vision 2: The City in Salvation History: Creation to Incarnation; Vision 3: The Fountain of God's Work: Theophany of Divine Love, with Humility and Peace; Vision 4: Wisdom and the Ancient Counsel Unfolding in God's Works; Vision 5: Divine Love upon the Wheel: Eternity and History; Epilogue.
  • IndicesGeneral Index; Index of Holy Scripture; Index of References to Hildegard's Works.