
Mobile Living Across Europe II : Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross-National Comparison.

Job-related spatial mobility is a subject of great importance in Europe. But how mobile are the Europeans? What are the consequences of professional mobility for quality of life, family life and social relationships? For the first time these questions are analysed on the basis of the data of a large...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Schneider, Norbert F.
Otros Autores: Collet, Beate
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leverkusen-Opladen : Barbara Budrich-Esser, 2010.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Mobile Living Across Europe II. Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross-National Comparison; Outline; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction: Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Contemporary European Societies (Ruth Limmer, Beate Collet & Silvia Ruppenthal); Chapter 2: Research Design (Philippe Huynen, Michel Hubert & Detlev Lück); Chapter 3: Insights into Mobile Living: Spread, Appearances and Characteristics (Detlev Lück & Silvia Rupp enthal); Chapter 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of Job-Related Spatial Mobility (Heiko Rüger & Silvia Ruppenthal).
  • Chapter 5: Motility (Vincent Kaufmann, Gil Viry & Eric D. Widmer)Chapter 6: The Process of Becoming Mobile (Eric D. Widmer, Gil Viry & Vincent Kaufmann); Chapter 7: Individual Legitimacy of Mobility Culture (Julien Piérart, Bertrand Montulet, Philippe Huynen & Michel Hubert); Chapter 8: Early Life Course Relocation: Effects on Motility, Mobility and Social Integration (Gil Viry, Heather Hofmeister & Eric Widmer); Chapter 9: Gender and Job Mobility (Beate Collet & Andrea Dauber).
  • Chapter 10: Social Class and Job Mobilities. Human Capital, External Constrains and Mobility Framing (Anna Giza-Poleszczuk, Magdalena Stec, Agata Komendant & Heiko Rüger)Chapter 11: Job Mobility and Family Life (Gerardo Meil); Chapter 12: Local Attachment and Family and Friendship Ties Put to the Mobility Test (Estelle Bonnet & Beate Collet); Chapter 13: Job Mobilities and Quality of Life (Ruth Limmer & Heiko Rüger); Chapter 14: Job Careers and Job Mobility (Estelle Bonnet & Renaud Orain).