Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introductory concepts
  • 2. Psychobiological considerations
  • 3. Gender identity and male homosexuality
  • 4. Freud's Three essays revisited
  • 5. The role of the family in the etiology of homosexuality
  • 6. Character pathology and sexual orientation: introductory concepts
  • 7. Homosexuality-heterosexuality and obsessional character disorders: character neuroses
  • 8. Homosexuality-heterosexuality and obsessional disorders: borderline syndromes
  • 9. Bisexuality, obsessional character neurosis, and borderline syndromes
  • 10. Masochism and sexual orientation
  • 11. Homosexuality and paranoid psychopathology
  • 12. Psychopathology and sexual orientation: further reflections
  • 13. Childhood
  • 14. Adolescence
  • 15. Gender identify and the sense of masculinity
  • 16. Male sexual fantasy differentiation
  • 17. Sexual fantasy, ego, and self
  • 18. Hierarchy and sexual orientation
  • 19. Conclusion: psychoanalysis, science, and homosexuality.