Notas: | AcknowledgementsIntroduction: 'A poem is the very image of life'Standard Abbreviations and Note on Texts1. 'Painted fancy's unsuspected scope': The Esdaile Notebook, Poetical Essay on the Existing State of Things, and Queen Mab2. 'These transient meetings': Alastor and Laon and Cythna3. 'All that is majestic': The Scrope Davies Notebook4. 'That such a man should be such a poet!': 'To Wordsworth', 'Verses Written on Receiving a Celandine in a Letter from England', and Julian and Maddalo5. 'In a style very different': Prometheus Unbound and The Cenci6. 'The sacred talisman of language': The Witch of Atlas and A Defence of Poetry7. 'One is always in love with something or other': Epipsychidion and the Jane Poems8. 'The right road to Paradise': Adonais and The Triumph of LifeBibliographyIndex. |