Table des matières:
  • Charisma and authority : the crucible for the office of Patriarch
  • "Like the patriarchs of old" : Joseph Smith, Sr., first patriarch, 1883-40
  • "By blessing and also by right" : Hyrum Smith, second patriarch, 1841-44
  • Office in crisis : William Smith, third patriarch, May 1845-October 1845
  • Patriarchal bridge : interregnum, 1845-47, and Uncle John Smith, fourth patriarch, 1847-54
  • Continuing the tradition : John Smith, fifth patriarch, 1855-1911
  • A question of primacy : Hyrum G. Smith, sixth patriarch, 1912-32
  • Decade of uncertainty, 1932-42, and the compromise : Joseph F. Smith II, seventh patriarch, 1942-46
  • The end of the line : Eldred G. Smith, eighth patriarch, 1947-79
  • Unique emeritus : Eldred G. Smith, patriarch/general authority emeritus, 1979-2013
  • Appendix A. presiding patriarchs and presidents of the Mormon Church
  • Appendix B. Mormon presiding patriarchs.