Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part 1. Introduction. Introduction : Dwelling at Çatalhöyük / Ian Hodder
  • Part 2. Dwelling at Çatalhöyük. Sampling and Mapping Çatalhöyük / Camilla Mazzucato
  • Ecology, Diet and Discard Practices : New Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Middens through Integrating Micromorphological, Phytolith and Geochemical Analyses / Lisa-Marie Shillito, Wendy Matthews & Matthew J. Almond
  • Integrated Geochemical and Microscopic Analysis of Human Coprolites, Animal Dung and Organic Remains in Burials / Lisa-Marie Shillito [and 4 others]. Part 3. Dwelling in the Çatalhöyük Landscape. Micro-freshwater Gastropods at Çatalhöyük as Environmental Indicators / Burçin A. Gümüş & Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer
  • Unio shells from Çatalhöyük : Preliminary Palaeoclimatic Data from Isotopic Analyses / Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer [and 5 others]
  • The Archaeobotany of Mid-later Occupation Levels at Neolithic Çatalhöyük / Amy Bogaard [and 5 others]
  • Woodland Vegetation, Firewood Management and Woodcrafts at Neolithic Çatalhöyük / Eleni Asouti
  • Plant Exploitation from Household and Landscape Perspectives: the Phytolith Evidence / Philippa Ryan
  • Starch Granules and Complex Carbohydrates at Çatalhöyük / Karen Hardy [and 3 others]
  • More on the Çatalhöyük Mammal Remains / Nerissa Russell [and 3 others]
  • The Çatalhöyük Microfauna / Emma Jenkins & Lisa Yeomans
  • Human and Animal Diets as Evidenced by Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis / Jessica Pearson
  • Oxygen Stable Isotope and Dental Microwear Evidence of Herding Practices at Çatalhöyük / Elizabeth Henton
  • The Exploitation of Fish at Çatalhöyük / Wim Van Neer [and 3 others]
  • Mollusc Exploitation at Çatalhöyük / Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer. Part 4. Humans and their Lifestyles. The Human Remains I: Interpreting Community Structure, Health and Diet in Neolithic Çatalhöyük / Simon W. Hillson [and 12 others]
  • The Human Remains II: Interpreting Lifestyle and Activity in Neolithic Çatalhöyük / Clark Spencer Larsen [and 4 others]
  • Intramural Burial Practices at Çatalhöyük / Başak Boz & Lori D. Hager
  • The Çatalhöyük Burial Assemblage / Carolyn Nakamura & Lynn Meskell.