Table of Contents:
  • Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Introduction; Ten Bears-Attocknie Genealogy; Dedication; Preface; The Dated Narratives; 1. The Life of Ten Bears; 2. Peace with the Kiowas; 3. Uhta Hookne; 4. Nahwakatahnohpetuhupu; 5. Piakoruko's War against the Apaches; 6. Where the Comanches' Saddle Packs Were Captured; 7. The Badger's Mirror; 8. Disaster in Coahuila; 9. The Red-Striped Saddle Blanket; 10. The Battle at Little Robe Creek; 11. Wutsuki; 12. Tuhtahyuheekuh Evens the Score against the Osages; 13. Onawia Takes a New Wife and Goes to Mexico; 14. Buckskin Charlie versus Kiowas and Comanches.
  • 15. The Battle of the Washita16. The Battle of McClellan Creek; 17. The Battle of Adobe Walls; 18. The Last Sun Dance, the Last Raid; The Undated Narratives; 19. Esitoya's Loyalty; 20. Pukumahkuh's Two Escapes; 21. The Pukutsinuu; 22. Mubsiihuhtuko; 23. A Fight between Cavalry and a Comanche War Party; 24. Attocknie Gets Half a Scalp; 25. A Cripple and a Blind Man Form a Friendship; 26. Violation of a Dance Ground; 27. Pohocsucut and the Two Kiowas; 28. The Mule; 29. Querherbitty; 30. Comanche Pictographs; 31. Miscellaneous Religious Matters; 32. Fragmentary and Incomplete Narratives; Appendix; Notes; Bibliography; Index; About Francis Joseph Attocknie; About Thomas W. Kavanaugh.