Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Crossing European boundaries: beyond conventional geographical categories / Jaro Stacul, Christina Moutsou, Helen Kopnina
  • Crossing boundaries through education: European schools and the supersession of nationalism / Cris Shore, Daniela Baratieri
  • Neo-liberal nationalism: ethnic integration and Estonia's accession to the European Union / Gregory Feldman
  • The European left and the new immigrations: the case of Italy / Davide Però
  • The grand old west: mythical narratives of a better past before 1989 in views of West-Berlin youth from immigrant families / Sabine Mannitz
  • Invisible community: Russians in London and Amsterdam / Helen Kopnina
  • Merging European boundaries: a stroll in Brussels / Christina Moutsou
  • Bosnian women in Mallorca: migration as a precarious balancing act / Jacqueline Waldren
  • Claiming the local in the Irish/British borderlands: locality, nation-state and the disruption of boundaries / William F. Kelleher
  • Boundary formation and identity expression in everyday interactions: Muslim minorities in Greece / Venetia Evergeti
  • Negotiating European and national identity in boundaries in a village in northern Greece / Eleftheria Deltsou
  • Claiming a 'European ethos' at the margins of the Italian nation-state / Jaro Stacul.