Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: the Adler-Sebald intertextual relationship as paradigm for intergenerational literary testimony / Helen Finch and Lynn l. Wolff
  • Intertexts in context. The connections between H.G. Adler and W.G. Sebald, from a personal perspective / Jeremy Adler
  • Memory's witness-witnessing memory / Peter Filkins
  • Writing the medusa: a documentation of H.G. Adler and Theresienstadt in W.G. Sebald's library / Jo Catling
  • Witnessing trauma and the poetics of witnessing. Poetics of bearing witness: H.G. Adler and W.G. Sebald / Katrin Kohl
  • "Schmerzensspuren der geschichte(n)": memory and intertextuality in H.G. Adler and W.G. Sebald / Kirstin Gwyer
  • "Der autor zwischen literatur und politik": H.G. Adler's "engagement" and W.G. Sebald's "restitution" / Lynn l. Wolff
  • Memory, memorialization and the re-presentation of history. Memory, witness, and the (Holocaust) Museum in H.G. Adler and W.G. Sebald / Dora Osborne
  • History, emotions, literature: the representation of Theresienstadt in H.G. Adler's Theresienstadt 1941-1945, antlitz einer zwangsgemeinschaft and W.G. Sebald's Austerlitz / Ruth Vogel-Klein
  • Literary legacies and networks. The Kafkaesque in H.G. Adler's and W.G. Sebald's literary historiographies / Martin Modlinger
  • Generational conflicts, generational affinities: Broch, Adorno, Adler, Sebald / Helen Finch
  • "Der verwerfliche literaturbetrieb unserer epoche": H.G. Adler and the postwar West German "literary field" / Frank Finlay
  • Afterword / Michael Kruger.