Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : Childhood innocence and other modern myths / Henry Jenkins
  • Part I: Childhood innocence. From immodesty to innocence / Philippe Ariès ; The case of Peter Pan : the impossibility of children's fiction / Jacqueline S. Rose ; Children in the house : the material culture of early childhood / Karin Calvert ; From useful to useless : moral conflict over child labor / Viviana A. Zelizer ; The making of children's culture / Stephen Kline ; Seducing the innocent : childhood and television in postwar America / Lynn Spigel ; Unlearning black and white : race, media and the classroom / Shari Goldin ; The new childhood : home alone as a way of life / Joe L. Kincheloe ; Child abuse and the unconscious in American popular culture / Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Howard F. Stein
  • Part II: Childhood sexuality. Fun morality : an analysis of recent American child-training literature / Martha Wolfenstein ; The sensuous child : Benjamin Spock and the sexual revolution / Henry Jenkins ; How to bring your kids up gay / Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick ; Producing erotic children / James R. Kincaid ; Popular culture and the eroticization of little girls / Valerie Walkerdine ; Stealing innocence : the politics of child beauty pageants / Henry A. Giroux ; A credit to her mother / Annette Kuhn
  • Part III: Child's play. Children's desires/mothers' dilemmas : the social contexts of consumption / Ellen Seiter ; Boys and girls together ... but mostly apart / Barrie Thorne ; Boy culture / E. Anthony Rotundo ; The politics of dollhood in nineteenth-century America / Miriam Formanek ; Older heads on younger bodies / Erica Rand ; Confections, concoctions, and conceptions / Allison James ; Living in a world of words / Shelby Anne Wolf and Shirley Brice Heath ; The tidy house / Carolyn Steedman
  • Part IV: Sourcebook. Section A: Introduction. Reaching juvenile markets / E. Evalyn Grumbine ; Does your "research" embrace the boy of today? / Jess H. Wilson ; "Selling" food to children / The Mother's Own Book
  • Section B. The family in crisis. After the family
  • what? / John B. Watson ; Against the threat of mother love / John B. Watson
  • Section C: Children at war. Children in wartime : parents' questions / Child Study Association of America ; You are citizen soldiers / Angelo Patri ; Raise your boy to be a soldier / André Fontaine
  • Section D: Popular culture and the family. "Such trivia as comic books" / Frederic Wertham ; The play's the thing / Dorothy Walter Baruch
  • Section E: Freedom and responsibility. New parents for old / Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg ; Families and the world outside / Elizabeth F. Boettiger ; Time bombs in our homes / Mauree Applegate ; Democratic and autocratic child rearing / Rudolf Dreikurs
  • Section F: The permissive family. The contemporary mother and father / Lillian Jane Martin and Clare deGruchy ; The new oedipal drama of the permissive family / Jules Henry ; The modern pediocracy / Martha Weinman Lear.