Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments ; Foreword ; Preface ; Introduction ; Chapter 1. The Lower Courts: Process and Punishment ; Introduction ; Some Explanations for the Operations of Lower Courts ; Additional Factors Affecting the Administration of Justice ; The Court as an Open System ; Substantive Justice and the Adjudicative Ideal ; Decision-making Costs: Two Models and an Alternative ; Conclusion ; Chapter 2. Setting and Context ; Introduction ; The City ; The Business of the Court ; The Police ; The Two-Tiered System of Courts ; The Emergence of the Court of Common Pleas.
  • Power, Patronage, and Position Conclusion: The Court and Its Environmnent ; Chapter 3. Judges, Prosecutors, and Defense Attorneys ; Introduction ; Judges ; Prosecutors ; Defense Attorneys ; Private Representation ; Public Defense Services ; Comparing Types of Defense Attorneys ; Chapter 4. Supportive Figures ; Introduction ; Pretrial Release Specialists ; Bail Bondsmen ; Bail Commissioners ; Pretrial Service Representatives ; Pretrial Diversion Program ; Family Relations Officer ; Drug Treatment Representatives ; Auxiliary Personnel ; Police Liaison Officer and Attending Officer.
  • Clerks and Stenographers Secretaries, Aides, and Investigators ; Bailiffs and Sheriffs ; Conclusion ; Chapter 5. Outcomes: Adjudication and Sentencing ; Introduction ; The Variables ; Adjudication Alternatives ; Determinants of Adjudication ; Additional Analysis ; Conclusion ; Sentencing Alternatives ; Determinants of Sentence Severity ; Additional Analysis ; Conclusion ; Reflections on a Quantitative Approach ; Chapter 6. The Process of Adjudication and Sentencing ; Introduction ; Establishing the Worth of a Case ; The Inherent Ambiguity of the Process.
  • Prosecutor-Defense Attorney Relationships Defendants Without Attorneys ; Plea Bargaining ; The Symbolic Importance of Plea Bargaining ; Negotiation as a Process of Exchange ; Trials and Sentences ; Summary ; Chapter 7. The Process Is the Punishment ; Introduction ; Pretrial Release: An Overview ; Pretrial Release: Process ; Securing an Attorney ; Continuances ; Failure to Appear ; Pretrial Diversion ; The Imbalance Ratio ; Conclusion: The Aggregated Effects of the Pretrial Process ; Chapter 8. The Myth of Heavy Caseloads: An Exploration and Rejection of an Alternative Explanation.
  • Introduction: The Caseload Hypotheses Selecting a Comparison Court ; The Caseload Hypotheses Explored ; Trials and Motions ; Plea Bargains ; Sentences ; Pretrial Processing ; Courtroom Observations ; Historical Review ; Why Caseload Is Considered So Important ; The Implications of Due Process ; The Making of a Social Problem ; Nonreactive ""Causes"" ; Alternative Explanations ; The Organization of the Court's Business ; Substantive Justice and Mutual Advantages ; The Impact of Professionalism ; Conclusion: The Process as Punishment ; Chapter 9. The Criminal Process and the Adjudicative Ideal.