Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : Modern scenes/modern sceneries / David R. Castillo and Bradley J. Nelson
  • Monumental landscapes in the society of the spectacle : from Fuenteovejuna to New York / David R. Castillo
  • "Granada" : race and place in early modern Spain / William Childers
  • Agi Morato's garden as heterotopian place in Cervantes's Los baños de Argel / Moisés R. Castillo
  • Signs of the times : emblems of Baroque science fiction / Bradley J. Nelson
  • "The knowledge of this people" : mapping a global consciousness in Catalonia (1375-2009) / Colleen P. Culleton
  • Topofilia Porteña : imaging Buenos Aires and modernity in (and around) the journal Sur / Justin Read
  • Horacio Coppola : the photographer's urban fervor / David William Foster
  • Seeing "Spain" at the 1893 Chicago World (Columbian) Exhibition / Catherine Vallejo
  • Exhausted cosmopolitanism in Zamacois's Memorias de un vaǵon de ferrocarril / Robert A. Davidson
  • Cultural landscapes : Luis Cernuda's exiled poetry / Goretti Ramírez
  • Francoist spaces : un hombre va por el camino (Manuel Mur Oti, 1948) and Surcos (José Antonio Nieves Conde, 1951) / Luis Mariano González
  • The spectacle of a national trauma : gaze, space, national identity, and historical memory in democratic Spain / Carmen Moreno-Nuño.