
The Triune God. Doctrines /

"Written in Latin for students at the Gregorian University in Rome, Bernard Lonergan's De Deo Trino (The Triune God) is a monumental two-part examination of trinitarian theology published initially in 1961 and again, in revised form, in 1964. The first part, the pars dogmatica, is here tra...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Lonergan, Bernard J. F.
Autor Corporativo: Lonergan Research Institute
Otros Autores: Doran, Robert M., 1939-, Shields, Michael G., Monsour, H. Daniel, 1958-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Toronto ; Buffalo : Published for Lonergan Research Institute of Regis College by University of Toronto Press, ©2009.
Colección:Lonergan, Bernard J. F. Works v. 11.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Prologomena. Dogmatic development
  • The Judeo-Christians
  • The Gnostics and other sects
  • Adoptionists, Patripassians, Sabellians
  • Subordinationism
  • 'Of one substance'
  • 'The image of goodness itself'
  • Arians and Semi-Arians
  • Homoousion, consubstantial
  • The structure of the anti-Nicene movement
  • Five theses. Thesis 1 : God the Father neither made his own and only Son out of preexisting matter nor created him out of nothing, but from eternity generates him out of his own substance as consubstantial with himself
  • Thesis 2 : The Holy Spirit, Lord and Life-giver, who proceeds from the Father and who spoke through the prophets, is to be adored and glorified together with the Father and the Son
  • Thesis 3 : Thus, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit have one divinity, one power, one substance; they are, however, three hypostases or persons distinguished from one another by their proper attributes, which are relative; hence in God all things are one where there is no relational opposition
  • Thesis 4 : The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son as from one principle and by a single spiration
  • Thesis 5 : The dogma of the Trinity, which is a mystery in the proper sense, cannot through natural human principles be either understood in itself or demonstrated from an effect. Even after revelation this remains true, although reason illumined by faith can, with God's help, progress towards some imperfect analogical understanding of this mystery
  • Praemittenda. De evolutione dogmatica
  • De Iudaeo-Christianis
  • De Gnosticis aliisque sectis
  • De Adoptionistis, Patripassianis, Sabellianis
  • De subordinationismo
  • 'Unis substantiae'
  • 'Imago ipsius bonitatis'
  • Sententiae Arianae et Affines
  • Homoousion, consubstantiale
  • Motus Antenicaeni structura
  • Theses quinque. Thesis 1 : Deus Pater proprium suum atque unicum Filium neque ex praeiacente materia fecit neque ex nihilio creavit sed ab aeterno ex sua substantia consubstantialem sibi gignit
  • Thesis 2 : Spiritus sanctus, Dominus et vivficans, ex Patre procedens, qui per prophetas locutus est, cum Patre et Filio simul adorandus et conglorificandus est
  • Thesis 3 : Patris ergo et Filii et Spiritus sancti una est divinitas, potentia, substantia; tres autem sunt personae seu hypostases notis propriis iisque relativis inter se distinctae; unde in divinis omnia unum sunt ubi non obviat relationis oppositio
  • Thesis 4 : Spiritus sanctus a Patre et Filio tamquam ab uno principio et unica spiratione procedit
  • Thesis 5 : Dogma trinitarium, quod est mysterium proprie dictum, per principia homini naturalia neque in se intelligi neque ex effectu demonstrari potest; quod ita verum manet etiam post revelationem ut ratio tamen fide illustrata ad aliquam Deo dante analogicam atque imperfectam huius mysterii intelligentiam progredi possit.