
Networks of entertainment : early film distribution 1895-1915 /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Kessler, Frank, 1957-, Verhoeff, Nanna
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Eastleigh : J. Libbey Pub., ©2007.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: Distribution
  • preliminary notes / Frank Kessler
  • pt. I. Networks: Distribution across borders
  • Ch. 1. Rethinking boundaries. The first moving images between Spain and Portugal / Begoña Soto
  • Ch. 2. What imports may not be able to tell us about the emergence of the last-minute rescue narrative in the American cinema / David Levy
  • Ch. 3. 'Avoid giving wine to children': George Kleine's correspondence with Cines and the discourse of uplift / John P. Welle
  • Ch. 4. Film colour and national cinema before WWI: pathécolor in the United States and Great Britain / Charles O'Brien
  • pt. II. Networks: Regional distribution and the problem of the national
  • Ch. 5. La distribution dans la région Lyonnaise: entre spécificités locales et strategiés nationales (1908-1914) / Renaud Chaplain
  • Ch. 6. Une diffusion "nationale"? De la circulation d'images locales on nationales à Lausanne 1896-1914 / Pierre-Emmanuel Jaques
  • Ch. 7. De l'indépendance à l'absorption: le cas québécois / Pierre Véronneau
  • Ch. 8. Araignées et mouches: la formation du <<système cinéma>> et les débuts de la distribution cinématographique en Espagne, 1906-1921 / Luis Alonso Garcia
  • Ch. 9. Censorship and film distribution in Russia: 1908-1914 / Rashit M. Yangirov
  • Ch. 10. The "backbone" of the business: scanning signs of US film distribution in the newspapers, 1911-1914 / Richard Abel
  • Ch. 11. Mapping the moving picture world: distribution in the United States circa 1915 / Gregory A. Waller
  • pt. III. Networks: Local actors
  • Ch. 12. 'Mr. Elliot Books Chaplins Direct': Essanay's exclusive's strategy in Southampton 1915 / Michael Hammond
  • Ch. 13. "Zeppelin über Berlin"
  • on the distribution of an early media event / Pelle Snickars
  • Ch. 14. "The Audience Feels rather at Home ... ": Peter Marzen's 'localisation' of film exhibition in Trier / Martin Loiperdinger
  • Ch. 15. Local distribution: the case of Jens Christian Gundersen in Norway / Gunnar Iversen
  • Ch. 16. Infrastructure, open system and the take-off phase. Jean Desmet as a case for early distribution in the Netherlands / Ivo Blom
  • pt. IV. Practices: distribution strategies
  • Ch. 17. Politics, steam and scopes; marketing the Biograph / Paul C. Spehr
  • Ch. 18. The price of independence: The Rolin Film Company's quest for distribution / Richard Ward
  • Ch. 19. Distribution sérielle et synchronisation du spectateur aux premiers temps du cinéma / Nicolas Dulac
  • Ch. 20. Monopolizing episodic adventures: series and seriality in Germany, 1914-20 / Rudmer Canjels
  • pt. V. Practices: Distribution paratexts
  • Ch. 21. Les consignes de l'<<éditeur>> pour l'assemblage des vues dans les catalogues de distribution / Pierre Chemartin et André Gaudreault
  • Ch. 22. Cataloging contingency / Jonathan Auerbach
  • Ch. 23. Comparing catalogues / Ian Christie
  • Ch. 24. "As pleasing as it is incomprehensible": film catalogues as paratext / Marta Braun and Charlie Keil
  • Ch. 25. "Liste für gebrauchte Films zum Verkauf": Used films for sale in Germany and Austro-Hungary (1911-13) / Janelle Blankenship
  • pt. VI. Practices: Non-theatrical distribution
  • Ch. 26. Sunday and Holy Days / Tony Fletcher
  • Ch. 27. Local entertainment and national patriotism: the distribution of colonial films in early German cinema / Wolfgang Fuhrmaun
  • Ch. 28. Early forms of film distribution in Germany, 1896-1905 / Joseph Garncarz
  • Ch. 29. "Just like a Public Library maintained for public welfare': 28mm as a comprehensive service strategy for non-theatrical clientele, 1912-23 / Anke Mebold
  • Ch. 30. Bringing movies into the home: distribution strategies for 17.5 mm film (1903-08) / Martina Roepke
  • pt. VII. Practices: Distribution into the future
  • Ch. 31. 'Avant-guerre' and the international avant-garde. Circulation and programming of early films in the European avant-garde programs in the 1920s and 1930s / Ansje van Beusekom
  • Ch. 32. imagination of wireless distribution / Wanda Stranven
  • Ch. 33. Les films impossibles on les possibilitiés du cinéma / Viva Paci
  • Ch. 34. Any ID? Building a database out of the Jean Desmet archive / Rixt Jonkman
  • Ch. 35. Des fragments des premiers temps à l'esthétique de la ruine / André Habib
  • Conclusion: Distribuer les films on distribuer les rôles? / Francois Jost
  • Afterthoughts: Beyond distribution: some thoughts on the future of archival films / Giovanna Fossati and Nanna Verhoeff.