Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Priests, peasants, and ceremonial centers : the intellectual history of a model / Marshall Joseph Becker
  • Cropping cash in the protoclassic : a cultural impact statement / Bruce H. Dahlin
  • A new order and the role of the calendar : some characteristics of the middle classic period at Tikal / Clemency Coggins
  • Teotihuacan, internal militaristic competition, and the fall of the classic Maya / George L. Cowgill
  • An epistemological pathology and the collapse, or why the Maya kept the short count / Dennis E. Puleston
  • Prehistoric settlement at Copan / Gordon R. Willey and Richard M. Leventhal
  • Prehispanic terracing in the central Maya lowlands : problems of agricultural intensification / B.L. Turner II
  • The representation of underworld processions in Maya vase painting : an iconographic study / Jacinto Quirarte
  • A sequence for Palenque painting techniques / Merle Greene Robertson
  • The Lagartero figurines / Susanna M. Ekholm
  • The Lobil postclassic phase in the southern interior of the Yucatan Peninsula / Peter D. Harrison
  • Coapa, Chiapas : a sixteenth-century Coxoh Maya village on the Camino Real / Thomas A. Lee, Jr.
  • Religious syncretism in colonial Yucatan : the archaeological and ethnohistorical evidence from Tancah, Quintana Roo / Arthur G. Miller and Nancy M. Farriss
  • Continuity in Maya writing : new readings of two passages in the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel / Gordon Brotherston.