Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. Intellectual histories of the information age ; Imperial attractions: Benjamin Franklin's new experiments of 1751 / Laura Rigal ; From heat engines to digital printouts: machine models of the body from the Victorian era to the human genome project / David Depew ; The erasure and construction of history for the information age: positivism and its critics / Ronald E. Day
  • pt. II. Visual culture, subjectivity, and the education of the senses ; More than the movies: a history of somatic visual culture through Hale's tours, IMAX, and motion simulation rides / Lauren Rabinovitz ; Stereographs and the construction of a visual culture in the United States / Judith Babbitts ; The convergence of the Pentagon and Hollywood: the next generation of military training simulations / Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi
  • pt. III. Materiality, time, and the reproduction of sound and motion ; Helmholtz, Edison, and sound history / John Durham Peters ; Media, materiality, and the measure of the digital, or, The case of sheet music and the problem of piano rolls / Lisa Gitelman ; Still/moving: digital imaging and medical hermeneutics / Scott Curtis
  • pt. IV. Digital aesthetics, social texts, and art objects ; Bodies of texts, bodies of subjects: metaphoric networks in new media / N. Katherine Hayles ; Electronic literature: discourses, communities, traditions / Thomas Swiss ; Nostalgia for a digital object: regrets on the quickening of quicktime / Vivian Sobchack.