Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments; Preface; 1. Emergence: 1890-1895; 2. Organization and Recruitment: 1895-1900; 3. Repression and Growth: 1900-1910; 4. Palacios: 1904-1908; 5. Reform: 1910-1913; 6. Elections, Congress, and the 'Palacios Affair': 1914-1915; 7. Yrigoyen, War, and Labor: 1916-1919; 8. Socialists and Radicals after the 'Semana Trágica': 1919-1921; 9. Socialists and the Alvear Administration: 1922-1927; 10. Schism: 1927-1930; 11. Conclusion; Appendices; Notes; Bibliography; Index.