Table of Contents:
  • Introduction / Chon A. Noriega and Ana M. Lopez
  • Imagined borders: locating Chicano cinema in America/America / Chon A. Noriega
  • Moving from the margin to the center: Puerto Rican cinema in New York / Lillian Jimenez
  • Greater Cuba / Ana M. Lopez
  • Drama queens: Latino gay and lesbian independent film/video / Frances Negron-Muntaner
  • Crossing invisible borders: Ramon Menendez's Stand and Deliver (1987) / Ilene S. Goldman
  • Reterritorializaiton in recent Chicano cinema: Edward James Olmos's American Me (1992) / Kathleen Newman
  • Ethnic ingenuity and mainstream cinema: Robert Rodriguez's Bedhead (1990) and El Mariachi (1993) / Charles Ramirez Berg
  • Flaming Latinas: Ela Troyano's Carmelita Tropicana: Your Kunst is Your Waffen (1993) / Jose Esteban Munoz
  • Docudrag, or "realness" as a documentary strategy: Felix Rodriguez's One Moment in Time (1992) / Marcos Becquer and Alisa Lebow
  • From exile to ethnicity: Nestor Almendros and Orlando Jimenez-Leal's Improper Conduct (1984) / Marvin D'Lugo
  • Media destructionism: the digital/laser/videos of Raphael Montanez Ortiz / Scott MacDonald
  • Collaborative public art and multimedia installation: David Avalos, Louis Hock, and Elizabeth Sisco's Welcome to America's Finest Tourist Plantation (1988) / C. Ondine Chavoya
  • Mass media, site specificity, and the U.S.-Mexico border: Guillermo Gomez-Pena's Border Brujo (1988,1990) / Claire F. Fox
  • Forbidden kiss: Raul Ferrera-Balanquet and Enrique Novelo-Cascante's Merida Proscrita (1990) / Christopher Ortiz
  • (Re)constructing Chicana, Mestiza representation: Frances Salome España's Spitfire (1991) / Carmen Huaco-Nuzum.