Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Toward a more developed philosophy of scientific experimentation / Hans Radder
  • The materiality of instruments in a metaphysics for experiments / Rom Harré
  • Thing knowledge: outline of a materialist theory of knowledge / Davis Baird
  • Physics, experiments, and the concept of nature / Peter Kroes
  • Experimentation, causal inference, and instrumental realism / Jim Woodward
  • Technology as basis and object of experimental practices / Rainer Lange
  • Theory-ladenness and scientific instruments in experimentation / Michael Heidelberger
  • Technology and theory in experimental science / Hans Radder
  • The idols of experiment: transcending the "etc. list" / Giora Hon
  • Models, simulation, and "computer experiments" / Evelyn Fox Keller
  • Experiments without material intervention: model experiments, virtual experiments, and virtually experiments / Mary S. Morgan
  • Designing instruments and the design of nature / Daniel Rothbart
  • Varying the cognitive span: experimentation, visualization, and computation / David Gooding.