Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Late quaternary prehistoric environments of the Colorado Front Range / James P. Doerner
  • That was then, this is now : seventy-five years of Paleoindian research in Colorado / Bonnie L. Pitblado and Robert H. Brunswig
  • New interpretations of the Dent mammoth site : a synthesis of recent multidisciplinary evidence / Robert H. Brunswig
  • Season of death of the Dent mammoths : distinguishing single from multiple mortality events / Daniel C. Fisher and David L. Fox
  • Processing marks on remains of Mammuthus columbi from the Dent site, Colorado, in light of those from Clovis, New Mexico : Fresh-carcass butchery versus scavenging? / Jeffrey J. Saunders
  • Phytolith and starch analysis of Dent site mammoth teeth calculus : new evidence for Late Pleistocene mammoth diets and environments / Linda Scott Cummings and Rosa Maria Albert
  • Building a picture of the landscape using close-interval pollen sampling and archaeoclimatic modeling : an example from the KibRidge-Yampa Paleoindian site, Northwestern Colorado / Linda Scott Cummings, R.A. Varney, and Reid A. Bryson
  • Folsom hearth-centered use of space at Barger Gulch, Locality B / Todd A. Surovell and Nicole M. Waguespack
  • Paleoindian cultural landscapes and archaeology of North-Central Colorado's Southern Rockies / Robert H. Brunswig
  • Angostura, Jimmy Allen, foothills-mountain : clarifying terminology for Late Paleoindian Southern Rocky Mountain spear points / Bonnie L. Pitblado.