Table of Contents:
  • Author! Author! Defining foreign policy roles after the Cold War / Philippe G. Le Prestre
  • The Soviet Union/Russia : which past for which future? / Jean-François Thibault and Jacques Lévesque
  • Articulating the new international role of the United States during previous transitions, 1916-1919, 1943-1947 / Jean-René Chotard
  • The United States : an elusive role quest after the Cold War / Philippe G. Le Prestre
  • Japan : a great power despite itself / Alex Macleod
  • Germany : to be or not to be normal? / Paul Létourneau and Marie-Elisabeth Räkel
  • France : the straitjacket of new freedom / Charles Thumerelle and Philippe G. Le Prestre
  • Great Britain : still searching for status? / Alex Macleod
  • China : role conceptions after the Cold War / Onnig Beylerian with Christophe Canivet
  • Canada : a reassertion of its role as a middle power / André P. Donneur and Caroline C. Alain
  • Change and continuity in foreign policy role conceptions after the Cold War / Philippe G. Le Prestre.