Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Section 1. The experience of the Great War, 1914-18
  • Opening Pandora's box: the battle for control of British propaganda, 1914-1918
  • Targeting elite opinion: the war propaganda bureau at Wellington House, 1914-17
  • Targeting mass opinion: Crewe House, psywar and British propaganda against the central powers in 1918
  • Section 2. The dawning of 'public diplomacy' in the age of mass communications, 1919-39
  • The projection of Britain between the wars
  • A call to arms: psychological rearmament
  • Handling the unavowable: propaganda and psychological warfare, 1935-40
  • Section 3. Total war and total propaganda, 1939-45
  • Blue-pencil warriors: the British wartime censorship system, 1939-45
  • Film as a weapon during the Second World War
  • 'Breaking the German will to resist': Allied efforts to end the Second World war in Europe by non-military means, 1944-45
  • Section 4. Propaganda and decline in the post-war world, 1945-91
  • Power, public opinion and the propaganda of decline: the British information services and the cold war, 1945-57
  • The enduring tensions of democratic propaganda in the information age.