
Demanding Water : a Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Schwarz, Anke
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Abstract; Kurzfassung der Arbeit; Resumen; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; CONTENTS; ABBREVIATIONS; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK; 2.1 Discussion of concepts; 2.2 Habitus: the Incorporation of society; 2.3 A sociospatial Approach to everyday Practices; 3. RESEARCH DESIGN; 3.1 Research Strategy; 3.2 Empirical Methods; 4. THE URBAN LANDSCAPE OF WATER SUPPLY AND WATER CONSUMPTION IN MEXICO CITY; 4.1. Sociospatial Patterns of Water Supply in Mexico City; 4.2 Contextualization: Water in Iztapalapa and Cuauhtémoc; 5. PRACTICES OF DOMESTIC WATER USE IN MEXICO CITY; 5.1 Drinking: Ingesting Water
  • 5.2 Hygiene and Cleaning: Technical Water and the Body5.3 Storing Water: Synchronizing Rhythms of Supply and Use; 5.4 Imagining Urban Water; 6. HABITAT BIOGRAPHIES: THE BECOMING OF HABITUS FROM A SPATIAL PERSPECTIVE; 7. PAST EXPERIENCES AND CURRENT PRACTICES; 7.1 Stockpiling Water and Past; 7.2 Reusing Water and Past; 7.3 Imagining Water and Past; 8. REFLECTION ON THE SODIOSPATIAL CHARACTER OF DOMESTIC WAtER USE; 8.1 A Predominance of the Actual; 8.2 Inscribing Meaning through Spatial Practice; 8.3 A Symbol of Mistrust?; 8.4 Reflection on Research Strategy; 8.5 Open Tasks for Future Research
  • 9. REFLECTION ON THE RELATION BETWEEN HAbITAT AND HABITUS9.1 Reflection on the Conceptual Approach; 9.2 Habitat Biographies: Methodological Reflection; 10. CONCLUDING REMARKS; REFERENCES