Table of Contents:
  • Effective shared governance in academic libraries / by Charles Lyons, H. Austin Booth, and Scott Hollander
  • LibrariesForward : strategic planning in an environment of change / by K. Megan Sheffield and M.H. Albro
  • One university's approach to academic library funding : developing an appropriations model for stability / by Brian W. Keith and Laura I. Spears
  • Shared collection and the advancement of a collaborative future / by Yolanda L. Cooper and Catherine L. Murray-Rust
  • Form follows function : creating a new liaison service model / by Amy Harris Houk and Kathryn M. Crowe
  • Using a project management methodology to reorganize technical services / by Lisa O'Hara and Les Moor
  • Triage succession planning : how mass-turnover required on-the-spot mentoring / by Sian Brannon
  • Archivist apprenticeship : partnering with the Knowledge River Program diversity initiative / by Maurita Baldock and Verónica Reyes-Escudero
  • One incident of violence or it will never be the same / by Kathleen De Long
  • Phased approach to creating updated user spaces / by Michael Crumpton
  • Collaborative digital planning for archives and special collections : blue sky thinking meets digital projects framework / by Sarah Keen
  • Collaborating for success / by Cecilia Tellis
  • Engaging internal and external stakeholders in a comprehensive university archives program / by Sandra Varry
  • Closing of a library : using Gilbert's behavior engineering model to manage innovative change / by Christina L. Wissinger, Ph. D.