Tabla de Contenidos:
  • European Creoleness : the dynamics of creolization in the European and Caribbean literary spaces / Kristian van Haesendonck
  • Francophone Caribbean writers and the legacy of negritude : a critical evaluation / Kahiudi Claver Mabana
  • Rethinking Caribbean communities : the dynamics of natural disasters in the works of Gisèle Pineau / Laura Loth
  • Envisioning social change in Indo-Caribbean women's writing / Elizabeth Jackson
  • Echoes of ancestral voices : analysing tropes of identity in selected poetry by Jennifer Rahim, Mayra Santos Febres and Chiqui Vicioso / Nicole Roberts
  • The nation in the literary imagination : a question of human dignity / Vijay Maharaj
  • Trinidad's French Creole linguistic and cultural heritage : documentation and revitalization issues / Jo-Anne S. Ferreira
  • Contemporary globalized popular cultures : reconfiguring Vodou traditions in the serialized novels of Gary Victor Le revenant / Françoise Cévaër
  • Bim and Joebell : filmic representations of colonial and postcolonial Caribbean identity / Susan L. McFarlane-Alvarez
  • "We are still in the colonial woods." : Interview with Yao Ramesar / Savrina Chinien
  • Visual iconography as trans-positional mode : monument, performance and spectacle as episteme / Marielle Barrow
  • Chutney music in Carnival : re-defining national identity in Trinidad and Tobago / Kumar Mahabir
  • Variations on culturalist nationalisms in Puerto Rico, or "that orgy of brutal appetites, under the veil of a loutish superstition" / Ricardo J. Arribas
  • Refashioning the dynamics of national identity and cultural diversity in the Caribbean society of Curaçao / Rose Mary Allen
  • Consuming safety safely : upper middle and upper class Trinidadian responses to increasing rates of crime / Sacha Geer
  • The future of vulnerability and sustainable development in Haiti : disaster, community, innovation and information / Russell Stockard Jr
  • The case of Haiti : dichotomies of religious engagement and citizenship / LeGrace Benson.